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A green hand shot up from the bed and punched his throat in the Adam's apple. That immediately sent him to the ground, clutching his throat and choking. The alien sat up and ripped its catheter out before staring down at him.

He curled up into a ball and forcefully coughed until the bone shifted back into place, gasping for breath. The alien, intrigued, watched him from its perch on the seat. He glanced up at it and shuffled back, holding his chest.

The alien cocked its head at him. It looked over to its detached catheter, which it grabbed and reinserted into its arm. After that, it laid back down.

He continued to sit, confused and in pain. He realized that he should probably find one of those healing things so that he would stop losing blood. So, he staggered back up the tunnel.

'I'm probably already addicted to these things," he remarked, picking up the plus in the corner of the room and pressing it into his wounds, still feeling dizzy. He noticed that his shirt was in a very bad state, and told himself to find new clothes.

  He went back to the gun and picked it up. He was busy looking it over when he heard a whirring sound come from one of the ships. He stopped, turned to gaze at it, then grabbed onto one of the legs and shimmied up onto the spacecraft. The glass dome opened.

  "Don't shoot me!" the man inside yelped. His glasses hid the expression in his eyes, but he probably wasn't too happy that a man clothed in rags was pointing a ray gun at his face. Neither was the farmer.

  So, the farmer put the gun away and held out his hand. "Need any help?" he asked, smiling a bit. The scientist shook his head.

  "Thank you, sir, but I can manage," he replied, sliding off the UFO and landing smoothly on the ground. "Who are you, if I may ask?"

  "Rick Dunmoore," he responded. "How about you?"

"Doctor Evan Gradly," he answered, and they shook hands. "Thank you for rescuing me. I honestly didn't know when I would get the chance to escape."

"Well, I'm glad I came through," he laughed, feeling euphoric from finally meeting another living person. "I came here for answers, though. Do you know what's going on?"

"Yes! Yes, in fact, the monsters are all coming from a portal!" he explained. "And I found where that portal is! We put a map together when the monsters first started invading a little over a day ago. Then the aliens woke up." He looked quite crestfallen as he handed him the map to Abbington elementary, a school about two hundred miles away.

"Hey, don't worry, you did good," Rick assured, placing his hands on the other man's shoulders. "Now, do you know how to shoot?" Gradly shook his head no. "Want me to teach you? I'd like to take you with me."

"No, I'm sorry. I have to figure out why that portal even exists, among other things," he said, shoulders slumped. "Like finding the bodies of my colleagues..." Then he perked up. "There's a jeep out in the front." Pulling a key out of his lab coat's pocket, he pressed it into Rick's hand. "You can do this, I believe in you."

"Thank you, Doctor. And good luck," he wished. "Oh, in case something happens, here." He held his Uzi-Uzi. "I'm sorry I don't have the time to teach you fully, but I'm guessing you'll be able to figure it out." The farmer lifted up the gun, cocked it, and fired a single bullet. He opened it up to show the other man how to reload, then handed it over and walked away.

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