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'How is that even supposed to work?' the farmer wondered as he looked over the simple machine gun. He pocketed it, then returned to the dying man. The man's skin was beginning to turn green.

  "It's too late," he muttered to himself. Guilt welled up in his chest. His eyes were drawn a flyer of some sort by his side. Intruiged, he picked it up and gave it a quick read.

It was an evacuation plan in case of a zombie invasion, instructing the reader to go to San Blockcisco. He reread it. He made extra sure he was reading the flier right. There was no way the government or whoever had actually come up with a plan for a zombie invasion. Not only that, but it wasn't only zombies that were running amok.

Plus, gathering everyone in one location just seemed counter-intuitive. Sure, he had only ever seen zombies in zombie stories, but they had to work the same, right? He looked back at the slumped over man.

  Hesitantly, the farmer put the barrel of his pistol to the man's forehead and pulled the trigger.

Feeling the need to hurry, he left the body where it lay and left the graveyard. He noticed that the sun was rising, as well as a lone police car. No one was inside.

  It definitely was not going to be safe in the city. But, if it was, he could bring his family. He entered the unlocked vehicle.

The keys were strangely still in the ignition. Without giving it much more thought, he turned the key, and the car started up. He settled into the seat in anticipation of the ling drive. He turned on the radio.


  He shut the radio off.

  The silent drive to the city made him once again feel that he should turn around. Live out the remaining days before the... monster apocalypse got to them. His mind was still reeling from how fast it happened. How could something like this happen overnight?

As he approached the city, he could hear a detuned music box playing somewhere in the distance. He slowed down the car and looked around at the abandoned buildings, the tanks, the smashed windows. The city appeared as though it had completely deteriorated in merely a few hours.

  Monsters suddenly popped out of nowhere. One zombie lept onto his windshield. He screamed and hit the gas.

  He drove straight through the blockades, then stopped in an intersection and jumped out of the car with his pistol drawn. He yelled again when a spider appeared too close for comfort. They were hard to see against the pavement.

He slaughtered it as well as a few others, feeling no remorse as he shot down the blackbirds flying at his head. He found it odd that birds and giant spiders were seemingly also a part of the apocalypse now.

He ran forwards, jumping onto the tank to get a better vantage point when a bird flew towards his head. With a shout of surprise, he whipped his gun around and smacked the bird to the ground. He crushed it under the heel of his shoe and ran off into a clearing. It took a moment for him to process the medical tents that were set up.

"What the actual hell?" His focus was on the alarming amount of bloody bodybags lined up neatly around the tents. Then, he heard the sound of someone spitting at him.

He jumped out of the way as a green projectile whizzed by him and hit the ground, sizzling. He looked back up and saw a strange creature shambling towards him, the acid dripping down its jaws as it spat at him. One headshot from his pixel gun was enough.

The decision was made in his mind to conserve ammunition. As he dashed around to kill the rest of the monsters with his knife, he couldn't help but notice that there were many more bodybags than he had previously thought. 'Hundreds,' he thought with a chill.

  The last monster fell, and he was left to listen to the distant tune of the music box. He found himself relaxing when he heard something noisily lumber onto something metal. The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he spun around.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed as a skinless humanoid leaped off of a tank and rushed towards him. He held his knife out and jabbed at its head, then quickly retreated as it swiped at his side.

  Into the wall.

  He tried to quickly sidestep the monster, but it was too fast for him. It tore through his shirt, its claws ripping open his skin. He yelped in pain and jumped away, getting scratched again in the process.

  As soon as he was far away enough, he pulled out his Uzi-Uzi and pressed the trigger as hard as he could while aiming for its head. This riddled its skull with bullets, and he didn't stop until it tipped off its feet and fell onto the ground.

  "God, what was that?!" he asked, partially to the world, but mostly to himself. As he pondered that, he lifted up part of his shirt and eyed the shallow wound. It had already stopped bleeding, but he was worried about whether it would get infected. That, and he felt that the wound on his left arm was still bleeding; he had used it to defend himself.

  He tucked his shirt back into his belt and headed into one of the white tents to try to find something to clean them. 'What the hell was I thinking?' He belittled himself for underestimating the monster.

  His foot kicked something small, and he nearly tripped over it. When he stopped and glanced back, he saw that it was a small, red plus sign. Curious, he picked it up.

  "What does this do?" He asked himself, gazing at its faint red glow. As he turned it over in his hand, he noticed it flash as it passed over a callus on his trigger finger. It took him a few moments to realize that the white spot disappeared.

  Not wasting any time, he passed it over his side and his arm, which both sealed up perfectly. The only trace was a slightly lighter shade of tan and the fact that his shirt was torn. Feeling ready, he strolled back out and picked up the silver revolver from the monster.

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