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"I'm back," Rick grunted, pulling off his helmet after shutting the airlock. He looked himself over, then started to pull off the ruined spacesuit. Alice emerged from the closet and stared at him. "What's wrong?" he questioned.

  "You got shot," she replied.

  He was feeling a bit lightheaded. He looked down at himself. "I look like swiss cheese," he remarked before sitting down.

She pulled out a health point, then stopped. "If you actually got shot, then don't you have to take the bullets out first?" He nodded and pulled out his knife.

  "You might want to look away," he said as he dug into the holes in his side. It hurt for sure, but he was developing a higher and higher pain tolerance. After prying out all of the bullets, he took the health point from Alice and held it over each wound.

  "Are you going to be okay?" she asked.

  "Yeah, I will. Go put on a suit, we're going for a spacewalk," he said. She nodded and took a suit her size, then left the room. After using up the health point, he found another suit and slid that on. Alice came back with a helmet in her hands.

"Do I look pretty in a spacesuit?" she inquired, placing the helmet over her head.

"Yep," he responded with a curt nod, and after helping her with her radio, they both hopped out and about.

"Hey, look!" Alice shouted through her radio, and she pointed to the saucer spacecraft sitting on the bridge. "That's our ticket home!"

"How am I supposed to fly that?" he asked incredulously.

"I don't know, but we'll have to try," she answered. There was barely any space inside, so she ended up sitting on Rick's lap. "I'm pretty sure even I could fly this thing."

  Her assumption was based on the fact that the controls consisted of a start button, a bunch of other stuff that they couldn't understand and two joysticks. The relative simplicity reassured him, but the uncertainty still nagged at him.

  "I think we're just going to end up being blown to the Moon," Rick said dryly.

  She giggled and relaxed slightly.

  He held his breath and pressed the green button while gripping the joy sticks, and ever so slowly, they lifted up into space and descended into Earth's atmosphere. He could see Alice clenching her fists as fire engulfed the ship.

  A strange screen appeared in front of them, and it showed a red X on a highly detailed map of a city and a town.

  "How much do you want to bet that that's the Creator's house?" Rick asked. She shrugged in response.

  He waited until they were in sight of a city, and he gently pulled back on the sticks, causing the craft to lightly touch down onto the ground.

  "Oh my God," Alice whispered.

  "We lived!"

  "We didn't blow up!" she cheered.

  "Wait, let me check the place out first," he said. He cracked open the top of the ship and clambering out. Everything seemed normal, so he leaned out over the edge.

There was a man in camouflage hovering over the roof of another skyscraper. He wore a jetpack and had some sort of rifle. He stared up him and pointed the rifle up at him, finger on the trigger. Rick ducked back and leaned out over another side by the helicopter they had landed by.

More men with the same clothing, except for one in gray camouflage. This man was holding a large red rocket launcher. Rick pulled back as the missile flew by his head and hit the helicopter's propeller, sending metal in all directions.

"Mister?!" Alice poked her head out of the ship and stared as he yanked out shrapnel from his hand.

"I'll be fine. Stay here, and don't let anyone see you. If I go down, jump out, break a window, and run down the building as fast as you can. Don't wait for me," he commanded, and she hid back in the ship.

Exhaling, he moved onto a small red platform.  He knew he wouldn't have time to pull off all of the spacesuit. He took off his helmet and threw it to the side.

"Help! I'm not an alien!" he shouted, waving his arms in surrender.

"Strelyat!" He heard in response, and the launcher fired again. He backed away to see that the missile had been aimed at his head.

  "Oh God, please help us," he whispered as he broke out into a cold sweat. Suddenly, a large explosion sent him sprawling on the ground. Crying out in pain, he stayed face-down on the ground, his suit practically nonexistent along with his back. He couldn't move, anyways. The ship's dome creaked open, and a health point flew out onto his back. He allowed it to heal him.

After storing the health point, he got back up and shivered. He pulled out his sniper rifle.

One down, lifeless. Then two, then three. He hesitated when he missed a headshot on the fourth shot, and a wail of pain echoed through the empty sky before he finished the job.

"Prival!" he heard right behind him. He spun around and lowered his gun. He searched the opposing man's eyes, praying he would find something that would give him the signal that they could stop the fight.

  The cold, determined will to kill in his eyes, and the twitch in his thumb set Rick's alarm bells ringing. With pure horror in his heart, he practically threw himself behind the helicopter as the man opened fire with his desert eagle.

Clenching his teeth, Rick pulled out his pixel gun and leapt out of his hiding place. He blocked his chest with his injured hand as he aimed right for the head. Jerking back, the man collapsed, his gun flying out of his hand and hurtling towards the ground far below.

  Unable even to scream, Rick fell to his knees and gasped for breath, blood filling his mouth. His right arm was riddled with bullets, and one of the bullets must have hit his lung. Almost on instinct, his bloody hand lifted up, and felt the wound. He dug into his flesh and yanked the bullet out of his lung with a sharp inhale.

  Then, taking his health point from earlier, he healed the more serious wounds. He stood up and continued to snipe the rest of them until they all fell to his gun.

  He heard something strange after that, so he scanned the area again and nearly screamed in frustration when he saw the huge mech flying towards the building.

  He shot the suit of armor with everything he had until he had nothing left in any chambers. Then he switched the guns out, quickly, since the thing was going very fast. It was going up so fast, it would reach him and Alice in no time.

  Now armed with his revolver, he did the one thing he thought he could do: jump.

  He might have screamed, but he was too focused and in too much pain. He landed on another building far below and grabbed ammunition for his sniper rifle as he rolled and stood up, watching for the mech. In that time, he quickly yanked out a few more bullets and healed his wounds so his arm wouldn't kill him whenever he pulled the trigger.

  It came soon enough, flying towards him and blasting away. Scrambling to get away, he shot it a few times with his sniper rifle before it ran out. He then shot with his revolver before sprinting as fast as he could, jumping over a gap, and landing on a wooden board that acted as a partial bridge. He kept right on running and shooting.

  And then something came to him.

  Taking this new foolish idea of a plan to use, he charged at the mech, covering his head with his gun, then jumped onto it. Its guns couldn't reach him from there, so they were rendered useless as he climbed onto its jetpack and unloaded a clip into the back of the green machine's head. He jumped back off as the whole thing collapsed into a heap of metal, and the jetpack went flying off.

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