Parallel World

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"Look, it's the portal! We found it!" she exclaimed with joy. A couple of seconds passed until a look of fear appeared.

"Hey, don't sweat it. I'll take care of that dragon in no time," he assured. Her face lit back up, and she beelined for the portal with him. They both jumped in, and Rick's screams filled the crimson warp they were falling through.

"Why are you screaming! Teleporting is fun!" she shouted, the ride feeling more like just another extreme roller coaster than impending doom. He would have replied that he didn't exactly like being spun around mercilessly, but his nausea made him keep quiet.

A sudden flash of light, and then they were on the rocky ground, stunned for a few moments until they stood up and brushed the dust off their clothes. Rick looked around, wondering how they were even able to breathe.

They were in a bleak, cobblestone island flecked with vibrant vermilion. Tall pillars of various sizes stood on the edges, and an even taller one was in the middle, which had a red glowing crystal on top of it. There was also what appeared to be a couple of patches of red ice.

Almost as if on cue, freakish monsters began coming out from behind the pillars. Alice was frightened enough for her to take cover behind a pillar. "Okay, one more hoard of monsters. Let's do this," he said, mostly to himself.

He could see how Alice was afraid of these multi-eyed creatures, as they appeared to almost glow. As soon as he saw the flowers, he knew he had to stock up on ammo with his sniper to take them down. By that time, the rare acidic pain only felt like pinpricks, which went away as he used a health point. Along with a multitude of the crappy wooden armor that was abundant for some reason.

Once he picked off the flowers and had about filled his sniper rifle to the brim with bullets, he equipped his double shotgun to easily take down the birds. The other nightmarish creatures would soon follow. Eventually, he decided that he was getting tired of long distance, and instead pulled out his knife for a very exhilarating experience.

He was having fun stabbing the cyclopses until they dropped. He laughed internally about how he, a farmer, ended up in space killing monsters. When they had all dropped, and his guns were fully loaded, a loud roar reverberated throughout the island. He spun around as the charcoal dragon flew towards him, hunger in its eyes.

By some sort of instinct, he began to dash around the center pillar. It dawned upon him that the dragon was too blinded by fury to notice that the smart thing to do was to just sidestep the rock tower and kill him right then and there. Smiling confidently, he repeatedly fired with his sniper at the dragon's neck and chest. The beast was practically right on top of him, and yet for some reason it couldn't just bite his head off.

He was so wrong that he didn't even see it coming when the dragon froze and thrashed its tail as Rick sprinted right into it. He was flung into a pillar, shattering his armor into a million pieces but luckily absorbing the blow for him. He landed on his feet, but his gun went flying. It was thanks to fate that he wasn't flung off the edge.

The dragon rushed towards him again and grabbed him by the arm, then tossed him into the central pillar, obviously toying with him. It dived onto the limp man's chest and bashed him into the ground as if he were nothing more than a struggling mouse. The floors were slick with the two's blood as the farmer's pathetic whimpers filled the air. What wasn't so pitiful was when he found the strength to yank out his knife and stab it through its foot. It immediately jumped off him, howling in pain as Rick struggled to his feet.

Alice popped her head out from behind a pillar, with a few points in her hands. The dragon reared back in surprise, obviously not expecting her return. Those few precious seconds were enough for Rick to empty a round into its chest, and it flopped to the ground, blood everywhere. But, it was still alive.

"Please, have mercy," it pleaded, gurgling blood. "I'm sorry."

Rick almost laughed out loud from that, and he very well considered pulling the trigger and ending its miserable existence. And maybe he would have if Alice wasn't there.

He stored his gun and let Alice do her work of removing the lead and healing it as he himself fixed his broken bones. He waited until the overgrown lizard was ready, then he strolled over to it and picked up its head.

"You idiot..." he growled, then sighed. "I don't even know where to start with you."

"I know, I know, I'll chase the monsters from your world," it said in a masculine voice. It sounded guilty. "But, they aren't your biggest problem."

This caught his and Alice's attention. Something worse than the apocalypse? How could that be? The dragon's answer was something neither one had expected.

"Haven't you noticed that me, you, her, everything, even your bullets, are actually all made up of squares? Like pixels?" it asked, its eyes unfixed. Alice seemed confused, staring down at herself. Rick, on the other hand, remembered the haze clearly. It was practically ingrained into his head, the day he woke up and felt that something wasn't right, all those years ago. As life went on, he ignored it, and he had all but forgotten about it until now. "It wasn't always like that."

Pure euphoria rushed through his veins, as if he had found the answer to all his problems. It seemed silly to be so excited about seeing round objects again, but the lack of curves had always nagged at him. Every day, like everyone else, he would wake up and think, 'Something isn't right.'

"I believe I know how we can solve our problem, but I need your assistance," it said, spreading his wings. "Let us go, and fix our worlds."

  A moment of clarity struck Rick. "Wait," he said slowly. "How do we know we can trust you?"

  The dragon hung its head and scrunched up its snout. It walked away from them, and with a breath of blue smoke, opened a portal. It roared into the portal. A loud, booming roar.

  More and more portals opened around them, and a flood of monsters dropped down and into the abyss surrounding the island. All of them were silent.

  "Please, trust me," the dragon said while the monsters fell. "You, bullet walker, are one of the strongest creatures I've met. If any being would be able to fix whatever caused this mess, it's you. And you, Alice." The dragon drooped its head again, "I'm sorry for what I have done."

  "I'm sorry I smacked you with a shovel," Alice said quietly.

  The dragon nodded and spread its wings once more. "Hop on?" It asked them.

The two heroes clambered onto the dragon's back, with Alice's arms wrapped tightly around Rick's waist. They flew off into the star-filled void. They headed straight into the unknown of the universe, the seemingly impossible, and all the while in fear and anticipation.

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