Cubota 2

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  "Wow, that was tough," Rick remarked. He and the man were healing their wounds over with health points. "We barely fought them off!"

  "How convenient that those drones attacked right after I found you," the man mused. "Anyways, now that we aren't being bombarded by robot birds, I'm going to explain what's been happening."

  "Finally, some answers," Rick said as he sat down. The man sat down as well. "How do you know what's happening, though?"

  The man held up his hand. "First and foremost. Do you know where we are?"

  "Uh... the Internet?" Rick guessed. "I saw Facebook floating around somewhere."

  "Correct. However, what you don't know is that we all are in the Internet. Well, not really. But we are linked together by it. That's how you escaped your game."

  "So... I've been living in a game this whole time."



  "Anyways, these games are being created by an entity called Cubic. See how all of our guns have Rubick's Cubes on them? That's why."

  Rick looked over his guns. "Huh."

  "What's happening is that Cubic is creating games and trapping people within them. You can't escape, not usually." The man thought to himself. "Did you glitch out of bounds or something?"

  "Um... I played some guy's broken game, and it zapped me into the Internet."

  "Interesting," the man remarked. "Playing a game within a game somehow is what sets you free. Anyways." The man stood up, so Rick followed. "My crew has been planning to start a revolution of sorts for quite some time now. Ever since we got the ping three years ago, we've been looking for whoever the sender was. We needed someone like you, someone strong enough to have somehow survived one of Cubic's games and escaped."

  "How is this "revolution" going to work?" Rick questioned. "You're not planning for it to be just us, right?"

  "Of course not!" The man exclaimed. "Now that we have you, we're going to gather other players from Cubic's other games."

  It finally clicked in Rick's head. "Oh, that's why you were calling me "Player"."

  "Yes. Anyways, these other players are the champions of their respective games. Our first stop is going to be Cubota 2."

  Rick looked out the windshield. The ship was heading towards an odd looking place. One side appeared heavenly, and the other side appeared hellish. Both sides were equally as blocky.

  "The champion of Cubota 2 is who we're going to use to destroy the Citadel. That's how many towers he's destroyed. You'll have to draw him out, though. From what I've gathered, he gets very immersed in the game."

  "Before I go," Rick began, turning to face the mysterious man, "Am I going to see my friends and family again?"

  The man looked away. "I do not know, but hopefully."

  "Alright. I'll be on my way, then," Rick said as he jumped out of the ship and into the game.

  It felt odd to be in a game he didn't belong in. He observed his strange new surroundings and immediately saw the strange new creatures charging at him. Mainly, flying plant men with swords and wands. Green spiders as well.

  He didn't have a knife nor a weapon with a scope, which made him upset. He decided to reuse his strategy of run and gun. The introduction of sentient cannons and the same trees he had encountered back in the swamp enforced that decision.

  He ended up in a large, white, open building. He was reloading his missile launcher when a spider approached. He hurried up and shot at it with his pistol. It stopped, flashed green, then exploded in a puff of green gas.

  "Well then," he remarked.

  He climbed up the stairs and shot at the monsters below. When they came too close for comfort, he used the recoil of his missile launcher to propel himself off of the building and into the lazy river. He climbed out of the river and ran into the hellish side. Surprisngly, there were barely any monsters. He took the oppurtunity to reload his guns before rejoining the fight.

  During the fight, he noticed a suspicious cloud of white dust approaching him. He shot at it, and moments later, it materialized into a ghost just like the ones back in his game. It then turned back into a cloud, and his bullets passed harmlessly through it.

  "Bullshit!" he cried out. He backed away from the dust cloud before it could reach him.

  He set up a stance near one of the towers and shot away at the monsters. It was then that he took his first hit, and it hurt. He was flung onto his face by the cannon ball. He rolled to the side and looked up, surprised that he had been attacked from behind. He blew it up with his launcher, then ran off in search of a health point.

  He found one that mostly healed up his back. After that, he continued to shoot at the monsters until there was only a single tree. He figured that the champion would probably appear as soon as he killed the tree, so he took a deep breath and fired away.

  A loud laugh echoed throughout the battlefield. Rick located the source immediately, and a shiver went down his spine. The champion was a tall, beefed-up red man, with a large beard and a viking helmet. His eyes were pure white.

  The champion roared and threw a hammer at him. Rick was quick to dodge, and even quicker to get out of dodge. The champion was fairly fast, but Rick was still faster, so he kept a good distance between them.

  Rick used the environment to his advantage as he peppered the champion with bullets. The champion would occasionally end up charging into a ledge, but then would reorient himself and go after Rick again. Rick had had enough experience with spitting flowers that he easily dodged the champion's throws.

  When the champion began to slow down, Rick took the opportunity to charge him and shoot him up with his spiralling gun. The champion fell to his knees, and a Cubic hammer appeared by his side. Rick picked it up and looked it over.

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