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  "That was a bad idea!" he panted, slamming the doors shut on the monsters.

  He had ended up having to use the plus sign again; after all, he was near death. As a silver lining, he had picked up a gun as he ran for his life.

  Catching his breath, he heard something loud flying through the sky. Upon looking up, the first thing he saw was the smoke drifting from its main rotor. 'A helicopter?'

  He sprinted after it, excited that he was finally seeing signs of human life. "I'm here! Help me!" he shouted futilely as it flew over the metal gate in front of the bridge. "I need to follow them," he murmured, eyeing the biohazard symbol on the side before forcing his way through the doors.

  The four computers in the side seemed out of place, especially with the giant tank blocking the road along with blockades.

  Seeing the blackbirds flying around near the middle of the bridge, he quietly made his way over. He used his revolver on the monsters gathered around there.

  'Suckers,' he thought with a grin. He internally mocked the poor range of the spitters as he blew their brains out with his firepower. 'This is easy.'

  True to his word, he quickly finished off the zombies in hazmat suits and other monsters. Though he was hit by acid once, in his shoulder, but he paid no mind.

  "Now, where's the big one?" he asked, glancing around. A giant zombie lumbered out from behind one of the many cars. It lugged explosive barrels along, and it tossed them at him. This was concerning until he realized how poor its aim was. So, killing it was an easy feat to accomplish.

  He strolled over to the army rifle it had dropped and picked it up. "Sweet!" he exclaimed, grinning ear to ear. "Now, where is that helicopter?" he pondered. The gun was slung away to wherever guns went while he made his way to the center of the collapsing bridge.

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