Chuko Naruto 1

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Kushina sighed, she is wearing a red gown that went down to her mid thigh, black stockings, nothing else. No bra or panties, her hair put into low pigtails. She is laying in her bed facing the ceiling, she has her hands on her belly and is using her finger to tap on it.

She sighed again, this time a frustrated one. 'Minato' she said in her head as her right hand slid down, it stopped over her core which was covered by her gown, she pressed down lightly on herself as she tried to remember minato, but instead her son naruto kept popping in her head as she lightly rubbed herself through her gown. She then sighed aggressively yanking her hand away and sat up.

She looked toward her cracked open door, she gritted her teeth lightly, ever since naruto had hit an early puberty, he had grown handsome, he had 'grown' to look like his father and she couldn't pleasure herself without her own son making a surprise appearance, she sighed as she wondered why she is here when she should be dead then she wouldn't be going through this!

She looked down to her lap, she had survived that fateful day somehow, she thought she would die with her beloved husband, but no, in the end tsunade came back, tsunade of all people came back to konoha, that day, they told the sannin of her condition and how she didn't have long to live, kushina was so willing to embrace death, with naruto at her side that day, minato lying on the other side of naruto, she remembered how she eyed minato's lifeless body, the man was still ungodly beautiful. She then remembered how they rushed her away into a tent nearby and there waited tsunade and her black haired assistant, they went to work quick.

Kushina smiled lightly as she remembered the ladys words as she closed up the hole in her stomach.


Tsunade was frantic as the lady below slowly closed her eyes.

"Kami kushina keep your eyes open" tsunade cried as she applied more medical chakra to her palm, pumping into the rapidly closing wound, "think of naruto dammit, do you want him to grow up alone and think that his parents hated him, to be an orphan never knowing his parents" she screamed as tears ran down her face, "come on kushina, survive for naruto, live on for minato," she said as the hole was nearly closed.

Kushina eyes closed.

The hole closed, tsunade looked at kushina, her eyes wide, "NO...NO please don't fucking die" she begged as she channeled chakra into kushina, "dammit no" she cried out.

Shizune eyed her mentor, a tear slid down her eye, she kept herself quiet as she wept for kushina in silence. 'please live kushina chan, i don't wish to see tsunade sama breakdown again' she prayed into her head

"Come on kushina, please live for your son" tsunade begged.

And in a instant, kushina took a breath, she gasped for air as her lungs were filled with oxygen again, her blood growing warm, her skin gaining color, her eyes slowly opened, she was alive.

Tsunade smiled down at the her, "yes i knew you would make it" she cried as she reached down and rubbed hair out of kushina's face.

Kushina blinked twice to adjust her eyes, once they were she looked at the smiling woman.

"w-where's m-my so-son" she asked hoarsely.

FlashBack End


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