You would never tire of taking care of him but...was this really all that was left of your lives? 

You two dispelled each other, destiny made it so that you two must hate each other--light and dark, what could be more polar opposites? You were a mortal link to a powerful goddess, while his soul was bound to the darkness of his ancestor's sins.

And yet here you were--furiously in love with him as he was to you. 

If this is really what the gods intended then they were truly poets in their own right, and you wished more than anything else to find out how your story would end.

You've done all that you could, and in the meantime you've taken the liberty of resting for a quick moment, laying your weary head lightly on the Shimada's undulating chest. You tried talking to him as though he'd respond back at you, telling him in your quietest voice about how you've always loved the way he smiled as you never saw him do it that much when you were younger, or how you would sneak glances at him when he'd have sparring in the palace's training room--for some reason watching him beat the other opponents in almost every battle was very satisfying to watch.

"I was confident that you would win every time," you said. "You're the best fighter I've ever known...a true warrior."

You laid there in silence for about ten minutes afterwards when all of a sudden you finally heard the sound of the door being unlocked seconds later, accompanied by a set of heavy footsteps making its way into the interior of the room. The distinct sound of the lock falling back into place was heard, and you took that as your cue to get back up and retrieve the revitalizers from McCree. 

He said he'd be back in an hour...he's thirty minutes early. That's good at least--Hanzo can finally be properly attended to.

You walked towards the doorway of your room when you heard the sound of rustling papers, drawers opening, and documents haphazardly being gathered and piled up. Realizing to your horror that there was someone in the same space as you that was not the cowboy made you panic, and you immediately rushed back to Hanzo's side, grabbing the blanket that covered him and pulling it over his head. You concealed yourself as best you could in the shadows of the room, but you knew you had to find out what this trespasser was up to. Was he an enemy of Overwatch? Was he sent to locate Hanzo? Was he both?

You took a cautious peek outside once more and further studied your person of interest. Even in the the low light, you could discern the sinews and metal platings that armored what seemed to be a scarred yet toned body. There were tubes all over him that directed fluids from one part of his being to another, but among these strange enhancements, the hard steel mask that covered his face was the one that stood out to you the most. Something about the structure seemed...eerily familiar, especially the curved segment that covered the entirety of his forehead. 

His eyes were the only things left unhidden, and they shone a hellish red--like diluted blood, the color of anger and pain.

You didn't know where to begin classifying him: Was he even human? or was he machine? a higher form of omnic?

What was he even looking for?!

The robot-man was getting more impatient by the second, judging from the frantic and hurried scouting he was doing, shoving the coffee table to the side here and ripping apart the sofa cushions there. Whatever he was doing, he must think that he was alone, that there was no other living soul inside where he was then. You watched as he let off a vexated growl, pacing here and there, flipping everything in sight. The long weapon strapped onto his back helped in the disarray of most of Jesse's things, and it was when he took one step towards the kitchen that you immediately snapped out of your observation to go duck down and hide from his sight.

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