[twenty-six] if you fall I will catch you

Mulai dari awal

jungkook's knee jerked up and down unconsciously as he kept his alert eyes on taehyung.

after long hours of staring into the abyss, flinching with nervousness at even the smallest of sounds, jungkook's eyes began to feel heavy and the weight of his head on his shoulders became unbearable. he lent back and closed his eyes knowing he would need sleep - even as little as an hour would be enough to keep him going.


jungkook jolted awake. a careless nurse came barging in making sure she was heard.

"right," the nurse rubbed her stubby hands together. "who do we 'ave 'ere then?" she cleared her throat in the most un-ladylike way. she picked up the clipboard at the bottom of taehyung's bed; who was in fact, still asleep.

"still asleep I see?" she glanced over the top of the clipboard at taehyung. "lazy one this one is"

"how is he?" jungkook was perched on the edge of the hospital chair.

"ah no need to worry, he must've been tired, he'll wake up as fresh as a daisy in no time." the nurse waved jungkook off as if taehyung's well being wasn't as important as her hair which she was fiddling with, constantly moving clips about.

jungkook internally rolled his eyes and gave her a small nod whilst ensuring taehyung was still breathing.

"is 'e a relative?" the nurse perked up after finishing her hair.

"no, he's my-" jungkook paused in mid sentence to think. what was taehyung to jungkook? "he's my friend."

a expression of deep thought appeared on jungkook's face as he thought of his good friendship with taehyung, but the thought still lingered in his mind.


jungkook smiled weakly to himself.

"ahh, how sweet of you to be here for 'im" her eyes smiled as she gazed warmly at taehyung.

jungkook wasn't paying attention to the nurse, his eyes lay on the unconscious taehyung contently.

"right, this is for when he wakes up, he must be hungry now surely. also I must warn you, he may be slightly loopy when he wakes up. the drugs are quite strong you see." the nurse placed the breakfast tray on the bed side table to the right of taehyung.

"alright, I'll keep an eye on him" jungkook gave the nurse a concerned look

"I'll be back to check on him." and the nurse left and swiftly and silently as ever.


hour after hour, jungkook sat, gazing out of the window at the mild weather, reading a gossip magazine he had zero interest in, he himself even slept a while too.

it came to about eleven am when jungkook's stomach began to rumble. horrifying memories of rumbling sounds erupting from jungkook's belly in class just before lunch time flashed across jungkook's mind. he shivered at the thought. to say the least, highschool wasn't exactly his favourite place to be.

another painfully loud gurgle belched from jungkook's stomach. he held his waist in his arms in hope that would quiet down the earthquake-like rumbles.

it was no use of course. he had to do something, he had to eat something.

if this carries on, thought jungkook, I might disturb taehyung! or was that a good thing? it was about time he woke up after all.

despite his second thoughts, jungkook reached over to taehyung's uneaten bugette roll and took a huge bite out of it regretfully. he couldn't even careless at the dryness of the bugette or at how overly buttered it was, because it was food nevertheless, and jungkook was quite literally starving. in fact, jungkook was unaware of his death defying hunger as he was too caught up in the well being of taehyung.

in less than a minute, jungkook had already wolfed down the dry bugette and already started on the packeted blueberry muffin.

"oi, is that my blueberry muffin?" a voice from jungkook's right perked up.

jungkook paused and turned his head towards taehyung guiltily. "-you weren't awake so I thought I might as well" he shrugged with his mouth full, crumbs littering his jeans.

"I was looking forward to that" taehyung pouted, furrowing his eyebrows.

"you've been asleep this entire time, dumbass" jungkook pointed out

"hey watch it, pig face" taehyung retorted with a smile on his face. taehyung never let his well being get the better of his character.

jungkook was once again taken aback by taehyung's humour despite him being shot, kidnapped and stabbed.

"you're lucky you're in a hospital bed, or I'd have you" jungkook lightly hit his arm

"big bad jungkook gonna get me?" sarcasm was taehyung's offense, he laughed loudly.

jungkook raised his eyebrows, had he forgotten that only a few days ago jungkook did literally kill somebody?

wow this boy really does have guts.

"how are you feeling, weirdo?" jungkook chuckled at the strange but also fascinating boy.

"weirdo? excuse you but have you seen such magical face?" his eyes were giddy with glee, "and I'm fabulous"

"yes, uh very magical indeed" jungkook brushed off the boy's loopiness and intended to see the nurse as she requested.

jungkook could feel a sharp creak in his back from sitting down for too long as his rose from his seat.

"are you escaping? wait for me!" taehyung whipped the wires off his chest and hurried to jungkook who was stood half way to the door.

"no! taehyung - wait here, I'll be back in a minute" jungkook lead him back to his bed.

"please d-don't escape without me, I don't wanna be all by myself" taehyung curled up into a tight ball like a child.

jungkook could see that the memories from his kidnapping flood into his eyes. trapped.

"don't worry, I will be back" jungkook assured the confused taehyung. "look, when the big hand reaches six, I will definitely be here, okay?" jungkook pointed to the clock on the wall in front of them.

taehyung nodded, his messy hair covering his eyes. jungkook rubbed his back comfortingly and smiled softly. he pressed his lips upon taehyung's head and said "I'm glad you're okay"


[yooo my dudes, it's ya gurl, it's been awhile I know, but I'm back from wattpad hibernation. also woW thank you for reading this crap excuse of a story, did not know this was gonna go this far, 90k wtffff. see you in my next chapter
-Eliza.S 💘]

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