[thirteen] more than just a sofa

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taehyung's focus

as soon as jungkook and taehyung had finished their breakfast, they headed out of the breakfast bar bellies full, hearty smiles upon their faces

before taehyung reached the car, his phoned chimed loudly, "oh it's my mum" taehyung said glancing at his phone.

"hey mum" taehyung casually said

"where are you? you didn't come home last night, I was so worried, taehyung!" taehyung immediately turned his phone off speaker going slightly red from embarrassment

"mum, calm down, I'm fine, I'm with a friend," he paused waiting to hear what his mum had to say. "mum I'm a grown man, I can go out if I want to!"

"no, I'm staying at my friends again. right, bye" taehyung huffed

so bloody overprotective! I am twenty-two years of age, jesus christ

"everything okay?" jungkook said, hearing taehyung's whole conversation with his mother

"yeah, mums just a bit pissed off, nothing unusual, there's always something she's nagging at" taehyung rolled his eyes

"sure you can stay?" jungkook pulling the car door open for taehyung to slide in

"yes, as long as she knows I'm alive, it'll be ok" taehyung reassured jungkook

he was glad jungkook asked him to stay, secretly wanting to spend more time with jungkook

wondering what they'd do whilst clicking in his seatbelt

it was almost as if jungkook had just read taehyung's mind when he said "it's a quarter to three now, wanna just head back? we could watch movies or whatever, we'll stop off at sainsbury's to buy shit" jungkook said as is he was talking to himself, pulling the handbrake down

"oo can we get some ritz" taehyung perked up

"yeah uh sure" jungkook knitted his eyebrows together, never failing to be surprised at the boys randomness

— – -

taehyung had filled there basket for their feast when they got back, full of things like: ritz, digestive biscuits, chocolate, haribos, pringles, strawberries and a ton more items

"there" taehyung sighed feeling accomplished rubbing his hands together. jungkook and taehyung had just finished packing their last shopping bag, and heaved the lot in with great difficulty

— – -

once the two boys had organised their snacks and drinks fanned out on the red wine stained coffee table, jungkook turned netflix on his 52inch television

"what genre film do you want to watch? let's agree on one we both like." jungkook said plainly, clearly didn't want to watch rubbish tacky horrors that weren't even scary

"romance or comedy. or both I don't mind"


after deciding on a film, they ended up watching 'the notebook' which taehyung had seen seven times with his mother and cried each time. {god that film really gets me💘} jungkook on the other hand, didn't even know the film 'the notebook' existed; "you've never seen the notebook?!" - "my god, we're watching this" demanded taehyung - "awww you'll cry, it's so beautiful"


they were half way through the second film called 'before I fall' which both had neither seen nor heard of before which was a bonus for jungkook because it meant that taehyung wouldn't warn him of the things about to happen in the film.

the two boys sat relaxed, resting their bodies on one another, munching on popcorn and haribos.

taehyung sat bolt upright. "did you hear that?"

"hear what?"

there was a loud creak in the pitch black hallway

someone's here

jungkook pressed his index finger to his lips, indicating or taehyung to keep quiet

taehyung watched jungkook carefully, what's he doing? he forced his hand through the gap in the huge sofa and pulled out a gun

is this the part when I run off?

taehyung didn't move, he trusted jungkook more than he trusted the burglar, even if he did store guns and god knows what else in his sofa, his huge beige sofa.

is that why he's got a gigantic sofa then? to keep a whole set of weapons in? taehyung wonders with an open mind

"don't move" jungkook mimed, getting up, silently walking to the hallway to see who this uninvited guest was

taehyung sat there, following his instructions, for what seemed like years. what did they want?

a loud gunshot broke the deafening silence. taehyung gasped, tears falling from his eyes from the shock, hands shaking.

the television was still playing 'before I fall' only with no sound from when jungkook muted it

the only question that filled taehyung's mind was:

who pulled the trigger?

he hoped to god that it was jungkook, alive and breathing, please god, please let him be alive

scared to enter the hallway, he trembled slightly, holding in his breath, stopping him from hyperventilating

taehyung bit into his lip till he tasted blood pooling his gums, he swung the door open revealing a figure lying on his back, a pool of blood gushing out of the bullet wound like a waterfall.

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