[eight] crocodiles or sharks

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taehyung's focus

jungkook swerved into the car park to his flat and into a place.

"here we are" jungkook smiled turning to face taehyung

both boys opened the car doors and set off to the flat entrance.

taehyung watch as jungkook pressed a few buttons and pushed the glass door open revealing the lobby


everything was immaculate, there was not a spec of dust to be seen, only the sparkling gleam from the desk tops

jungkook led taehyung to the lift which opened automatically and he pressed 'level 3'. five seconds later, the lift doors opened and a lamp lit corridor came into view with a freshly hoovered carpet, followed by a range of rooms on either sides of the walls

they stopped at door 95 and jungkook took out his keys, unlocking the thick oak door.

"welcome, sorry – it's a bit messy, yoongi my room mate and his boyfriend are both messy people" jungkook explained, leading taehyung through to the living room

the room was huge, on the top end of the room, was the kitchen which was mainly black and white themed, and on the other end of the room was the living room.

the living took up the majority of the space; it had two large beige sofas facing each other {which in taehyung's opinion, the sofas looked as if they were made for giants} and an oak, red wine stained coffee table

by the window there was two ginormous speakers which looked as if they could blow your ears off from the booming sound

"sit down, if you want" jungkook said patting the seat next to him

taehyung gingerly steps over the bongo drums placed randomly on the floor, and sat on the gigantic sofa with a loud thump

"what's the time by the way" taehyung said remembering he left his phone in jungkook's car

"why? you got somewhere to be" jungkook winked, "it's twenty to three"

"and the club starts at?"


"so we have five hours and twenty minutes to kill" taehyung said plainly

it's gonna be a looong five hours and twenty minutes taehyung sighed

"yeah don't worry, yoongi and jimin will be here soon" jungkook said worryingly

"what shall we do?" taehyung lay back staring at the ceiling disinterested in anything jungkook is about to bore him with

"truth or dare?" jungkook suggested

"no, I ain't moving" taehyung says flatly

"would you rather?"


"well go on then" taehyung feels impatience rising in his chest, why did he agree to this, why the fuck is he going with a random stranger to a fucking club to get pissed and regret it tomorrow?

"would you rather, kill or be killed?"

taehyung was barely listening to the younger "be killed. would you rather be eaten by a crocodile or a shark?"

"crocodile." jungkook said bored

"what?! are you stupid? crocodiles drown you first then eat you, whereas sharks kill you straight away!" taehyung rants, eyes wide in disbelief

jungkook held his arms up in the air "sorry!"

"would you rather be fucked up the ass or fuck someone else–"

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