[fourteen] hate, sadness, devastation and stupidity [FLASHBACK]

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ATTENTION: just a fair warning, to anyone who is sensitive, I would not advise you to read this.
read at your own risk.

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jungkook's focus (aged seven)

"I told you! not to keep stray dogs jungkook!" the greying man said with a rusty voice. "when will you learn? you've seen what they do! I will not have another item ruined by your foolishness" he ranted

there was a short silence and the teary-eyed jungkook didn't dare to speak, or even move a limb

his father shifted in his worn brown leather jacket, pulling out a jet black, highly polished gun. jungkook let out at gasp "no — father please don't do this," he choked out falling to his knees, begging his father not to kill the dog

"now now son, I have to do this, it's for your own good, to teach you a lesson" his father said cocking the gun, not caring that his own son was begging at his feet

"you will sit there," he dragged poor jungkook to a chair and tied him to the seat, forcing him to stay still. "and watch this useless little shit die" the father said harshly, with a glint of pure madness in his eyes

by this point jungkook was screaming, tears streaming down his cheeks, struggling in his chair using all his might to save the poor dog, oblivious to his yet to come death

"p-please" he stuttered out desperately, "I'll do anything" jungkook was hysterical, he closed his eyes, jungkook couldn't watch

a sudden shot shook the room, jungkook couldn't bare to open his eyes, his most loved dog; minmin had just been killed, by his own father

this was outrageous, what had minmin done to harm anybody?

jungkook sat there, shook, unable to process what had just happened. words couldn't explain how he was feeling right now, hate, sadness, devastation and stupidity. maybe if jungkook hadn't of found minimin, she'd still be alive.

jungkook wanted to leave, he wanted to hurt his father, not necessarily kill {because at the age of seven that's highly unlikely}, but hurt him really bad.

I hate him jungkook screwed his face up in hatred and sadness and picked up the nearest sharp object he could find; which was a pair of scissors, cut his way through the tightly wrapped rope, and rushed into the kitchen cupboard to find a rusty metal sauce pan. jungkook ran at full speed at his father, who was stood, unaware of what was about to happen, polishing his guns, and launched the pan straight at his father's head with all his might. he did it again, until his father was left, unconscious on the floor {not dead of course, but unconscious}

jungkook ran screaming up into his room, locking himself in, sitting back against the unpainted walls, crying hysterically into his knees.

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