[twelve] the salts been spilled

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jungkook's focus

"I'll have pancakes with syrup too, please" jungkook told the pretty waitress with a long brown mane of hair

she took the orders written on the little notepad and hurried away to the kitchen

"so," jungkook rubbed his hands together, "do you want to go home after this, or..?"

"do you want me to go?" taehyung, who was playing with the salt and pepper, met eyes with jungkook like a magnet

jungkook felt something in his stomach again, what, is that? wait– no not shyness, surely not

"...not..r-really," jungkook, for the first time in his life, blushed a deep ruby decorated his cheeks. "I think your company is nice, I suppose"

"then I'll stay," taehyung simply stated, without a care in the world

"the night?" jungkook peered up at taehyung with puppy eyes

"if you want me to" he shrugged, "but promise me, no drinking, I can't stand another day of this hangover" taehyung rubbed his forehead

"yeah, I agree. no drinking" jungkook nodded

the pretty waitress came back with taehyung's strawberry milkshake which was in a tall sixties style glass, with a paper striped straw. the milkshake was foamed a light pink at the top and decorated with sliced up strawberries and cream

"wow, this looks amazing, thanks!" taehyung's face lit up with pure happiness

"is it nice?" jungkook smiled showing his full set of pearly whites

"it's lovely, here, try some" taehyung hands him his milkshake

before jungkook could grab it, his elbow knocked the salt over "oh, shit" he murmured

"jungkook! spilling salt is bad luck! you need to pick up a pinch of salt and throw it over your left shoulder to reverse the bad luck. quickly!" taehyung panic-struck face was white

why did he care so much about knocking salt over?

"what why?" jungkook's face contorted into an utterly confused one; one eyebrow up and the other down

"just fucking do it, I'll explain after" taehyung orders

"right, right" jungkook picked up most of the fallen salt off the tablecloth and threw it over his left shoulder

taehyung sighed in relief "thank you"

"care to explain?"

"well it's a european superstition, basically meaning, if you spill salt it's an 'evil omen', supposedly the devil sees this as an invitation to do evil in your life" taehyung paused, scratching his eyebrow. "by throwing the spilled salt over your left shoulder you are 'blinding' the devil from your mess and he can't sneak up on you. and you throw it over your left shoulder because that is your sinister side, that is why you should never walk out of the left side  of the bed" taehyung looked deadly serious, obviously had strong opinions when it came to superstition

"somebody's swallowed a textbook" jungkook said eyes wide. "so you're superstitious" jungkook was totally clueless when it came to myths and legends, his mother, on the other hand, was extremely superstitious, so much she would not leave her bedroom on Friday the thirteenth.

"thanks for warning me" jungkook said raking his hand through his tangled dark strands

"anytime" taehyung said with his serious expression still hung on his face. "oh and here's the milkshake, it really is lovely" he chuckled

both boys laughed at their seriousness and at how they had completely forgotten about the lovely strawberry milkshake

"let's hope the devil doesn't come lurking up your ally today" taehyung laughed

his laugh jungkook thought, it's so beautiful

"mm it is actually nice to be fair" jungkook nodded his head in agreement

"two pancakes and syrup" the waitress appeared yet again, completely oblivious to the previous scenes. "here we are, hope you enjoy" she gave a warm smile and walked away, leaving the two boys to enjoy their breakfast in peace.

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