[three] crumpled blankets

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taehyung's focus

there was a loud knock at taehyung's bedroom door, which he didn't hear, in fact, he didn't even stir.

"taehyung, dinners ready" said a male voice from the other side of the door.

the boy knocked again

"right, I'm coming in" and the the door swung open revealing a tall slender figure with coffee brown eyes and perfectly styled black hair that glittered in the light.

his eyes landed on the unconscious boy sprawled across his double bed on top of the duvet.

"taehyung, wake up" the boy said softly, his eyes grew into crescents as he looked at his younger brother fondly

"I guess there's no waking you up" he sighed as he turned his brothers bed side lamp off shining on the text books taehyung obviously tried to read earlier.

the boy left the room without a sound, making sure to close the door quietly.

— – -

the room was exactly as taehyung's brother left it only it was much darker. the curtains were left wide open and the moonlight spilled in resting on the sleeping boy's shoulder.

it had been a few hours since the older brother came in explaining that his tea was ready. eventually the sleeping boy woke up unaware of his surroundings, grunting as he looked around for the time.

his dark eyes landed on his alarm clock: 1:07am.


I was just studying physics and..?

taehyung was sleep deprived. there's no question about it, these past few weeks he's done nothing but study

tomorrow is his last exam; physics, the one he's been dreading all year. last year he got a G and the year before that, he received an F

mrs kim had bought her son the best tutor in the city for this year and had been attending those lessons since december hoping for some sort of improvement.

taehyung's stomach growled horribly, the emptiness in his stomach was unbearable; he hadn't eaten since breakfast.

— – -

taehyung grabbed any carbohydrates he could get his hands on: biscuits, toast, left over bacon butty, crackers and a massive pot noodle.

his hands were so full he had to come back for the rest of the load.

once he had returned to his bedroom and has eaten his rations, taehyung fell back into his deep slumber.

— – -

two days later


it was his brother who walked into the room and sat by taehyung on his slouchy bed that creaked every time someone sat on it.

"hey jin hyung" taehyung looked up from reading his beauty magazine 'how to have the silky smooth acne free skin:' {he does not need that, his skin is fuckin perfect}

"this came in the post the other day, thought you might like to go. it's an art club, you'd like it" seokjin stated, handing the leaflet to taehyung.

taehyung stared at the paper his brother had given him, examining every small detail

"hm sounds good, wanna come too? it starts on saturday nine to one" taehyung asked seokjin with a hint of excitement in his voice

"sorry tae, I'm working till five all week, but don't go just because I'm not, I think this will be a good opportunity for you to relax and take a break from studying"

taehyung sat his physics exam yesterday feeling very unsure on how well he did. 'at least I'm not going to work as a physicist' he told himself

"yeah, sure hyung, that's okay" taehyung nodded

"okay? I worry about my little brother, you know" seokjin said giving taehyung a shoulder hug. taehyung returned him with a warm smile

seokjin left him with the leaflet and closed the door behind him, careful to not slam it.

taehyung placed the leaflet to the side and lay back onto his crumple blankets, arm over his eyes and rethought his promise to attend this "art club"

taehyung was always quite easygoing and went with the flow which is why he never thought twice about not going. after all you only live once

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