[twenty-two] snake eyes and samurais

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[firstly, I am super super sorry for this super super late update, I'm actually in south africa at the moment, hope yall enjoy this crappy chapter, goodnight 💓💓 also thanks for 5K wow really did not expect that, so whoever has the patience to read this and come this far, thank you💘, ok I really should sleep now, nighttt]

taehyung's focus

taehyung felt harsh eyes drill into his back like nail through wood. he wheeled himself round, turning towards the cold, echoing voice.

his eyes met a narrow faced man with a tuft of jet black hair falling flatly just above two green emerald eyes glowing in the sunlight

the man who spoke, sat upon a great oak chair, larger than himself, fit for a king. his long slender fingers entwined in front of his chest as he sat lazily on the expensive piece of furniture.

two men stood on each side of him, like lemons, staring into the abyss, each were armed with a glittering samurai sword threateningly

"jaehyung is it?" the man said placing a long finger onto his chin as if were deep in thought. taehyung's eyes were locked in the man's gaze, eyes livid like snakes

Jae-hyung?! excuse you. he kidnaps me and doesn't even know my name. pfft.

"no. taehyung" he said sternly with a hint of annoyance ringing in his voice

"my bad, taehyung, it's a pleasure" he gave taehyung what seemed like a smile but looked like a grimace. "I'm beomseok"

sirens were going off inside taehyung's head. he remembered what dongmin had told him so vividly:

"yes, he's the leader of the gang. he rules everything, he would have commanded one of his guards to kidnap you. he's the reason you're here."

"you!" beomseok's booming voice had broken taehyung out of his thoughts.

"take him away" taehyung realised dongmin was stood, trembling behind him, as the guard to beomseok's right strode towards dongmin, and dragged him by the scruff of his neck.

"now," beomseok calmly said, "tell me everything you know about jeon jungkook."

worry fogged taehyung's mind, why was he to tell him, a stranger, a kidnapper, about jungkook?

"why?" taehyung tried his best to play his cards right. a plan was formed hurriedly in his head: give no information, escape through the brushes behind him.

"because if you do, I will offer you to join us" a smirk played on beomseok's lips, as if he'd already won taehyung over.

as if that's gonna tempt me

"what makes you think I'd want to join you?" taehyung scoffed daringly

the samurai sword in the other guard's hand glinted slightly as he said this

"I'm starting to lose my patience" beomseok blinked wearing a fake smile plastered across his face. "I said tell me, everything, you know about jeon jungkook." he whispered menacingly, madness lacing his voice

"is that supposed to scare me?" taehyung said blankly with a bored expression

beomseok signalled the two guards in front of him to face him.

beomseok began talking to them in a language unrecognisable to taehyung. their voices were low and quick.

what the fuck is this alien language?

and then an idea suddenly popped into taehyung's head like a lightbulb.

he started the walk backwards slowly, trying hard to not draw attention to himself.

"oi, get back here you little shit" beomseok stood up. his guards ran towards taehyung in a instant

taehyung dived into the bushes, scratches ripping every bit of bare skin. taehyung didn't mind the pain, he had been shot after all, and as a matter of fact, shot wounds were far more painful.

he felt a tight grip fasten around his ankle, taehyung squirmed in the guard's strong grasp. he desperately fought for freedom, even if it did mean getting a few scratches and bruises, he wasn't going to let himself be kidnapped once again.

taehyung forced his leg away from the guard, narrowly missed by a swift stab of the long silver knife he was using. the guard had no mercy, he had dived in after taehyung.

"get back here!" the guard swung his magnificent sword back and slashed straight at taehyung's right shin.

taehyung felt the warm liquid gush down his ankles as a familiar searing pain spread through his entire body

don't stop taehyung told himself, urging his body to move

this was his time to escape, harmed or unharmed; it didn't matter.

he used his arms to break through the bush, limping away from the guarding. cries of pain escaped his mouth, as his blood fell relentlessly from his wound

— – -

it's not that deep taehyung examined the slice. he was sat down on the grass next to the motorway, the sun was beginning to fade and tiredness had overcome taehyung.

he'd been walking for miles, well, limping. nobody stopped for him, nobody even noticed he was there, laying on the soggy grass, completely and utterly exhausted.

he had no phone, no money, or food. and the worst was yet to come: no jungkook.

disturbing thoughts merged into his mind of how he was to die his most tragic death, alone and starving.

there he lay, the last of the blood red sky staining the sky, grew fainter and fainter, as his breaths grew slower and slower...

his mind began to ease into a slow and peaceful slumber

— – -

"taehyung." a quiet voice was heard in the distance of taehyung's mind

"taehyung!" the voice was more clearer now

"fuck fuck fuck" the voice seemed to be very stressful

taehyung stirred in his sleep, realising his was shivering. his eyes flickered open and a figure which looked like jungkook, came into focus.

"k-kook?" taehyung voice came out raspy and hoarse

"jesus tae, you scared me" jungkook said, his face contorted into a relieved expression.

"hmm" taehyung was barely listening, his eyelids were beginning to feel heavy again.

jungkook tucked his arm under taehyung's legs and the back of his neck, he lifted him up with ease, holding him close to his chest.

— – -

"how long have you been carrying me?" taehyung said, suddenly awake

"half an hour?"

"put me down, you must be tired" taehyung ordered

"but you're leg–"

"it'll be fine, I've survived being shot, haven't I?"

"are you sure you're ok? if not, I will carry you, taehyung" jungkook gave him a concerned look.


taehyung's legs met the floor as jungkook held his arm, stopping him from collapsing.

the two boys hobbled along the deserted motorway, silently, a comfortable silence, the type of silence that is never awkward, but content and soothing.

hand in hand, sneaking glances at one another, admiring each other's perfection and beauty with lob-sided smiles, and a rosey blush appearing whenever they're caught staring.

though the amount of trouble being with jungkook has caused, taehyung couldn't help but think of jungkook in a way that is much more than friendship..

fuck. I have feelings for a murderer.

𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora