Chapter 2- sans the skeleton

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THE TRIO were sitting on the floor in an unorganized place filled with old toys, old boxes of chalk, and some paper laying here and there, Majority of them were failed test or quiz papers that they wanted to hide from their parents to avoid trouble.

No one ever visits the room. Or everyone calls it: 'The old classroom '. Everyone was always too scared to go in... There's been rumors about it, like a person who enters there will die on the spot. Which was thought to be the reason for why one of the teachers died after entering. But the truth was he just died because his asthma was triggered. There was also this story about a kid that entered inside the room and was never found. The trio didn't really mind the rumors, Fanellape knew the truth about the teacher, he was a relative. But the child however remained a mystery. But that didn't bother her at all. Siren and Nedimare were definitely bothered at first, but they were used to the eerie feeling that the room gave them so they didn't really care anymore.

"How the fuck did you you manage to get a ten out of one hundred!?!" Fanellape yelled as she pointed at Siren's paper, Siren got defensive of himself and barked back.

"Well I'm sorry if I'm not as smart as you are!"

"Well it's not my fault that you suck at making decisions! I mean look, seriously, The first president of America is Beyonce? Seriously man?" Nedimare wanted to laugh at that one, but he knew that it would only result to Siren hitting him in the face so he decided to stay quiet.

"It's their fault for putting Beyonce in one of the choices!" Siren retorted.

"And you were stupid enough to choose it instead of George Washington!"

"I thought George Washington was the SECOND president!"

"The SECOND President was Thomas Jefferson you simpleton!"

Fanellape and Siren had been like this for the past hour, bickering like there was no tomorrow. Nedimare ate his lunch quietly trying his best to not get himself involved. When two friends are arguing, the other would usually scold them or tell them to stop fighting, Nedimare tried that once but it ended up a three person quarrel. He thought it would be best to let them settle it themselves.

"... I thought he was the 3rd president."

"The 3rd president was Madison." Fanellape replied face palming because of Siren's 'stupidity'.

Fanellape sighed. Perhaps she could help him with studying instead of making this argument a really long one.

"How about this, I'll help you with studying next time, and if you get a score over 50 I'll treat you to pizza, just the two of us" She suggested.

"Eh. Sounds good." He replied. "But wouldn't it seem like a..."

"A what?" Asked Fanellape. Siren looked down, a hint of pink on his cheeks.

"Nothing." He muttered before feeding himself the final spoon of his lunch.

Fanellape looked at Nedimare who was silently closing his lunch box, he must have felt left out from their bickering.

"So uhh... Ned, how's your mom?" She asked, Nedimare looked at her with a sad expression, Sad enough for Siren to notice, and THAT'S gotta be something for he usually ignores him.

"Oh she's fine really, she's just on the verge of death that's all..." He replied, trying to sound sarcastic, but In the end it came out as depressing.

"Who taught you sarcasm?" Asked Fanellape, trying to hold back her laughter. "Whoever that is they're a really terrible teacher!"

"Sorry..." He whispered softly. "I don't know what to do anymore..." Tears threatened to fall, but there was something about him that held it from doing so, like he was used to holding back his emotions.

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