3: Forgotten Memory

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- Mount Justice
- 16:01 pm
- July/27/2010

Within Mount Justice, the former headquarters of the Justice League and current headquarters of the Young Justice team. "Does anybody else feel like they're stepping on eggshells around here?" Wally cuts through the awkward silence filling the room. "I mean, why did Batman decide to leave that guy here of all places?" Wally sighs, slinking down onto the couch with a wistful expression. "At least you don't have to live with a ticking time bomb in the next room over." Superboy's words raise some confusion within the young speedster, seeing as the kryptonian clone wasn't that different not too long ago. "Then there's M'gann." At the mention of the martian girl's name, Wally shoots up from his seat. "What happened to M'gann? Is she alright?" "She's fine. She's been spending almost all of her time down in the Med Bay taking care of that guy." "What!? We need to-!" Wally's thoughts and words are interrupted when Robin knocks him on the head with his hand.

The two boys turn to their younger teammate, seeing the boy in casual clothes and a pair of sunglasses. The boys can see bandages wrapping around his torso thanks to the height difference between them. Robin quickly pops his collar, intent on hiding his wounded state from any further scrutiny. "There's no need to worry. You guys read the medical report, didn't you? The guy's been frozen for ages. Nerve damage, dehydration, brain damage, it's amazing he was even able to stand let alone fight." The two boys calm down and lament their own feelings after being informed of the mysterious teen's fate. "Besides, when...if he wakes up, he won't be in any condition to rampage again." At the implication of a permanent comatose state for the boy, the mood in the room falls further. "Hey, Rob." Wally attempts to change the subject slightly, not wishing to talk about such a dark subject matter anymore.

Robin turns his head, recognising his shortened alias. "Did Batman manage to find anything out about these Yajen guys?" Robin sighs before responding. "It was Yasaijin, at least, according to M'gann. But no, there was nothing in the Justice League's database about them. Batman's asked Superman to see if he can fare any better." The mention of Superman peaks Superboy's interest and ire. "And he agreed?" Superboy's voice echoes with more anger than curiosity. "Yeah." Noticing the boy's growing irritation, Robin explains no further. As for Superboy, his fists clench as he clicks his tongue in annoyance. Superman wouldn't give him the time of day, not even a glance, but this random alien from who-knows-where has his full attention. "Of course he did." Rather than air his grievances with the situation, the young clone bottles it up and storms away, though purely based on expression alone, the boy does not appreciate the difference in treatment.

As Superboy leaves the base in an attempt to get some air, the Yasaijin begins to stir down in the Med Bay. His hand twitches, as though the feeling in his fingers had just returned. His eyes slowly open, revealing his onyx coloured orbs. His vision is hazy and filled with nothing but a grey ceiling. Without bothering to look around, likely because he's still dazed from his past experiences, the boy attempts to sit up. Before he's able to prop himself up completely, his body is assaulted by a sharp pain. His stomach, chest and arms suddenly scream with pain, prompting the boy to fall back with a yelp as his arms give way beneath him. He lifts his left arm in front of his face, noticing the bandages covering the uncontrollably shaking limb. "What happened?" "You were hurt, quite badly." The boy turns his head sharply, having not expected a response to his question. The sudden movement causes his neck to jar, sending a bolt of pain down his neck and spine.

The boy once again lets out a short cry of pain. "Please, be at ease! We brought you here to treat your wounds, we won't hurt you." Pushing through the pain, the teen finally manages to look up at the origin of the female voice. A girl with long brown hair, amber eyes and green skin, wearing a white t-shirt under a red short-sleeved crop top sweater, skirt, knee-high socks, brown shoes and a red headband keeping her hair out of her face. Surprising the teen, the sight of a green skinned humanoid doesn't seem to bother him in the slightest, as though he were already used to such an occurrence. One question does reach the tip of his mind however. "Who are you?" The green teen reacts as though she just realised that neither of them had introduced themselves, lightly palming her forehead. "Hello, Megan. How can someone trust you if they don't even know your name?"

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