2: Battle With A Beast

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- Antarctica
- 1:12pm
- July/25/2010

The team struggles to remain standing as the frenzied teen roars. The power he exerts causes the ice beneath them to crack and shatter while a violent, white aura forms around the boy. "Superboy, take point!" The clone smirks, readying himself before letting out a battle cry and charging towards the frenzied teen. Superboy launches into his assault, throwing punches at the boy as the armoured teen takes the hits without response. After a few hits, Superboy begins to hesitate. "He's not fighting back?" The thought crosses his mind, causing him to cease his movements. The teen takes this as his chance, slamming Superboy in the gut with his clenched fist. The young hero doubles over before the teen brings up his knee, striking Superboy in the face. The boy flips into the air from the sheer force of the blow, allowing the teen to grab ahold of Superboy's leg by the ankle.

The teen let's out another roar as he slams Superboy into the ice, repeating the process two more times before throwing him at the incoming team members. Superboy's body slams into Aqualad, pushing them both back. A white blur collides its fist with the teen's jaw before Robin leaps to the side and throws a pair of batarangs at the teen. As the teen steps back, trying to regain his footing after being hit by Kid Flash, the batarangs land at the teen's feet, beeping for a moment before exploding. Superboy and Aqualad rush into the ensuing smoke, hoping to land a decisive hit on the teen, only to wind up swinging at nothing. "Where'd he-!?" The teen connects his fist to Superboy's head from above, knocking him down before meeting Aqualad head on.

The atlantean swings his water-bearers, currently shaped as short swords, towards the teen. The teen barely avoids each swing before delivering a punch of his own directly to the team leader's face. The force of the blow caused the boy to spin, though he in turn uses the momentum generated to swing his water-bearers, now shaped as a giant hammer, towards the teen with much more force. The teen is sent spinning, barely keeping his footing as he forms a sphere of energy in his hand, launching it towards Aqualad. Though the team leader is able to form a water shield in front of him to take the brunt of the blow, the ensuing explosion still rockets him backwards.

On cue, Kid Flash zooms in, delivering a flurry of random punches to the boy in various places, centring on his face mostly. Growing annoyed, the teen let's out a low growl before roaring to the sky. An invisible force is suddenly expelled from the teen's body, knocking Kid Flash off his feet and flying through the air. The speedy boy is stopped mid-flight by Miss Martian's telekinesis and lightly dropped to his feet. "Please! We don't wish to fight!" "Speak for yourself!" Superboy rushes up behind the teen, wrapping him in a full nelson hold.

The teen stumbles forward before regaining his balance and begins struggling to free himself, behaving almost like a wild animal. Slightly taken aback by her teammate's actions, M'gann thinks fast, quickly flying towards the boy. She outstretches her hands towards his thrashing head, trying to avoid her hands. "Please, calm down." She manages to place her palms over his temples and her eyes begin to glow white. What she sees next, startles and shocks her.

She stands in total darkness. A cold chill runs down her spine. "This...is his mind? It's so empty." As if to answer her likely unintended insult, the scenery shifts. A bright, circular room with a platform in the centre. Two figures are sparring against each other. The first; a boy around 16 years old with black hair, a brown tail wrapped around his waist and wearing nothing but a pair of black pants. Facing him, is a boy no older than 10 with similarly coloured black hair, a black tail listlessly swinging behind him, white pants and a red, spandex singlet that leaves nothing to the imagination. "Round 2? Isn't this more like round 100?" The young teen taunts his younger sparring partner. "It's 78! I'll have you beat by 80!" The boy charges, giving the teen no time to respond.

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