Growing Up

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Heyy guys! So here is chapter 13. Chapter 14 will be up tomorrow or Friday:) tell me what you all think! Enjoy!!:) xxSydnie


Sydnie's POV

Oh look, Harry. My stomach twists at the sight of him. Why did Justin have to get a call now? Harry smiles at me and walks towards me. Grrrreeeaaattttee!

"Sydnie, how are you?" he asks.

"Oh pretty good. And you?" I ask trying to be nice.

"Ok. Could be better." he says and I'm curious. Was Fay already starting her crap?

"Oh, what's wrong?" I ask and he sits next to me.

"You won't tell anyone right?" he asks.

"I promise." I say, and I mean it.

"Well, Fay. I'm sorry because she's your friend but, well she isn't who I thought she was. I mean before she seemed cool and fun, but now she's just annoying. Again I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt her, but I also don't know if I want to be with her." he explains. Yup. This was typical Fay. She got bored with guys so easily.

"Yeah, this isn't the first time a guy has said this to me. She gets well, bored with guys and kinda gives up on the relationship." I say and he looks so sad.

"But I thought she really liked me." he says and I put my hand on his knee. Maybe he wasn't such a heartless guy..

"Heard that too. I'm sorry Harry, she really isn't a great person." I say and he shrugs.

"I came here to get over heartbreak, not get more." he says and turns away.

"I'm so sorry Harry, I wish I could help you some way." this was horrible. Fay had never made a guy feel so bad; or I had never seen it.

"Yeah, I hope you're happy though." he says and that breaks my heart. I never wanted people to feel bad.

"Well-" I start to say but Justin runs back into the lounge.

"Sydnie guess what?!" he shouts and then stops, taking in the scene in front of him. I take my hand off Harry's knee and stand up.

"What?" I ask and Justin shakes his head then smiles.

"That was my mom. I got my acceptance letter to BC!" he says and I run to him and hug him.

"That's great!" I say.

"What's up with him?" he whispers in my ear.

"Explain later." I say and he pulls away. "Well I got one present that I wanted." he laughs and grabs on to my hand.

"I'll, uh, I'll be going then. I guess, thanks Sydnie." Harry says and leaves.

"Now what was that?" he asks and we sit on the couch again.

"Fay is stupid and he's broken hearted." I say and he laughs.

"Ok, and you were giving him relationship advice, or Fay advice?" he asks.

"Fay advice. She just does what she wants, and it's terrible. She never thinks about others and their feelings; I hate it." I say and he puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him.

"You can't change what Fay does or has done, only what you do." he says and I smile.

"Yeah, you're right. Now, let's go celebrate your acceptance!" I say and jump up.

"Let's go tell the guys." he says and we go to find them.

Maria's POV

"Two more minutes." Zayn says and we all sit quietly outside the lounge. 11:58. Ashleigh and Louis were hanging out in there and at midnight the rest of us, Liam, Niall, Jordan, Chanel, Sydnie, Justin, Zayn and I would all run in and sing happy birthday to him. I look at my phone again, 11:59.

"Ready guys?" Liam whispers.

"Yeah," we all answer. Niall looks at his phone then smiles.

"It's midnight." he says and we all stand and run in front of Louis and Ashleigh.


"Aww thanks guys. Right on time." Louis says.

"You bet. Never late." Zayn says and puts his arm over my shoulder. I smile at him and he smiles back. He was perfect.

"So are we gonna party or not?" Niall asks and starts to dougie.

"I was going to wait until tonight. You know like in twenty hours." Louis says and Niall glares at him.

"Fine, I'll go party by myself. Any one want to join?" he asks and Chanel takes his hand. "Ok, let's go." Niall says loudly and they leave as Chanel laughs like crazy.

"So how old are you Tomlinson?" I ask.

"Twenty." he says and smiles.

"You're so old!" Jordan laughs.

"Yeah, kind of." Louis laughs.

"Ok I'm going to go up to our room. See you all in the morning." Chanel says.

"I'll take you."Niall says taking her hand, and they leave.

"Do you guys want to hang out or what?" Ashleigh asks.

"Yeah, why not." Zayn says and looks at me. "You ok with that?" he asks and I nod. Any time with him was good to me.

Louis' POV

"The big 2-0. Crazy man." Zayn says and I laugh.

"Yeah, I feel so old." I say.

"You are in college. Gosh I remember when we were fifteen. Wrecking havoc in high school." Liam says.

"Yeah, now Lou and Zayn are in college, and the rest of us are almost there." Justin says.

"And you!" Niall exclaims. "Going to BC. I probably won't even get accepted to a junior college." he laughs.

"C'mon man, you'll get accepted where you want." Justin says. "Speaking of, what's your top school?" wow. We were nerds, talking about school.

"He wants to join Zayn and I at CSU. Right Niall?" I laugh.

"Actually I'm leaning towards UW." Niall says and my jaw drops.

"No offense, but why would you want to go to Wyoming?" Zayn asks.

"Well, it's nice there." Niall says, but I see his cheeks turn pink.

"Chanel is going to Laramie isn't she?" I ask and Niall looks at the ground.

"Do what you want Niall, just don't make any serious decisions because of a girl you just met." Liam says and I nod.

"I agree with Liam." Justin Zayn and I say at the same time.

"Gang up on me why don't ya?" Niall says and walks into his room.

"I just hope he thinks about this." Liam says shaking his head.

"Have you heard anything about Aberdeen Liam?" I ask.

"Not yet. I hope I make it." he says.

"You will, you little track star." Zayn pushes him playfully.

"Yeah yeah, I hope." Liam trails off.

"Guys, why are we still up at three?" Justin laughs. "I'm going to bed." he says and goes to his room.

"I agree, night, or morning, whatever guys." I laugh and go to bed as well.

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