Come A Little Closer

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Jordan's POV

"Hey," Liam says as I walk into the lobby.

"Hi," I say and give him a little wave.

"We all look like oompa loompas!" Louis says and I laugh.

"Where is everyone else?"Sydnie asks. So far just us four were here, and the other girls were right behind us.

"Zayn slept a little late, Niall was finishing breakfast, and Justin, well he was taking forever to get ready." Liam explains. When he says Justin's name Sydnie smiles a little and I wonder what happened there.

"So what are you guys gonna do today?" Louis asks.

"I'm gonna ski." I say.

"Yeah and I want to ski but I'll probably end up just making snow angels or something." Sydnie laughs.

"Can I make snow angels with you?! We could get a bunch of people and it would be cool!" Louis practically shouts. This kid was too funny.

"If you want Louis," Sydnie laughs.

"There you are." I say as Chanel, Maria, and Fay walk towards us.

"Hey guys. Did you see any of the others on your way down?" Liam asks.

"Nope, we didn't." Maria says.

"Oh hey look, there's one of them." Louis says pointing and we all turn to see Niall walking toward us, then Zayn comes around the corner.

"And another." I say.

"Harry was on his way, and Ashleigh too." Niall says.

"What about Justin. Or I guess he's Justina now." Louis laughs.

"He's gotta make sure he looks perfect. Little freak." Zayn says and turns to Maria. I look at Chanel and Niall and they're already into a serious conversation. Why was I being so shy around Liam now? Last night we had a lot of fun hanging out and now it was like we'd just met.

"Whoa, does anyone else see the angle walking towards us? Or is it just me?"Louis asks with a smile and I realize Harry and Ashleigh are walking to us.

"I really hope you're not talking about Harry." Fay says and we all laugh. Harry puts his arm around her and looks over Louis.

"I hope you weren't talking about my sister. Then we'd have a problem." he says and Louis raises his eyebrows.

"Really? I'm scared." he says and turns and walks outside with Ashleigh. Zayn, Maria, Niall, and Chanel follow them.

"Are you going to wait for Justin?" Liam asks us.

"I will, are you guys?" Sydnie asks.

"I'll wait with you." Fay says and Harry nods.

"Ok then I'll go; Jordan?" Liam turns to me.

"I'll go with you." I say and walk outside with him. We get outside and he reached for my hand.

"Incase the gloves aren't enough, my hands should keep yours warm." he says and smiles.

"Seems legit." I say and we walk over to the others.

Harry's POV

"Is it just me or is Louis kind of annoying?" I ask.

"He is a little wild." Sydnie says.

"I think he's funny." Fay says and I look at her.

"He thinks he's funny." I correct her. I don't know, just something about him irked me.

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