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Hey it's Fay:) So I've been gone for a while, but I'm working things out and will be back for a while. This chapter is a little longer, and I hope you like it:)


Justin's POV

"Can I talk to you?" Louis asks and I look up from my writing.

"Uh yeah sure," I say and he sits next to me on the couch.

"You're creative, and can impress girls. So how do I impress Ashleigh?" he asks and I think for a second, then look down at my paper.

"Well I'm writing a song for Sydnie. You could do that." I suggest and he groans and leans back.

"I can't write songs." he complains.

"Then just chose a song and sing it to her." I say and he sits up again.

"What song?" he asks.

"I don't know just pick one." I say and he reaches for my papers and I pull them away.

"Can't I see what you've written?" he asks with a pouty face.

"No, I'm not done. It has to be perfect before anyone sees it." I say and he laughs.

"Well can I read it when you finish?" he asks.

"Sure." I say and he stands up.

"Ok, and thanks for the advice buddy. Means a lot." he says and walks into his room. I look at the time and realize that I'm going to hang out with Sydnie in fifteen minutes. I look back at my song and decide that I can't finish it in time. I take it to my room and put it away before going to get ready for the night.

Liam's POV

"Liam it's obvious that you like her. Just ask her out already!" Zayn shouts at me.

"Yeah Liam, do it." Niall says. They were both set on getting me to ask Jordan out.

"I don't know how," I say quietly.

"Think of something really cute. You know, like something that would only happen in a movie." Niall says.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Sing to her." Zayn says.

"No, that's so overplayed." I say.

"Well think of something." Zayn says and leaves the room.

"Why do you guys want me to ask her out so bad?" I ask Niall.

"Liam you seem to like her a lot, and we're not letting you let her get away. Not this time Liam." Niall says sternly.

"Maybe that happened for the best Niall, I mean look at me now. My life's better." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Yes it happened for the best, but you need to ask Jordan out. Like tonight. Are you hanging out with her?" he asks.

"Yeah in about ten minutes." I say quietly. I really liked Jordan and wanted to ask her out, but I wanted it to be special. Something original. Then I get an idea.

"Well you bet-" Niall starts but I cut him off.

"Niall I need your help!" I shout and pull him off the couch and pull him to our room.

Harry's POV

"You seem upset, you have all day. Is something wrong babe?" I ask Fay and she shrugs. "You can tell me." I say and she turns to face me.

"I think I lost my best friend last night." she says and her bottom lip starts to quiver. Oh no, was she gonna cry?

"Who? What happened?" I ask and put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

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