Beautiful Christmas

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Niall's POV

"Why did I agree to this?" Chanel says covering her eyes.

"Because you love me. Now just look it's not that bad," I say taking her hands in mine so she had to look.

"Niall this is so scary!" she says and scoots closer to me.

"Chanel you won't fall, I got you." I say and kiss her. I look down, we were up pretty far. I look back at Chanel and she is smiling at me.

"This is amazing Niall. Thanks for making me come on the lifts." she says and I smile.

"You're welcome, and Merry Christmas." I say and put my arm around her.

"Merry Christmas." she says and snuggles closer to me. The best present I could ask for. Being with Chanel, my arms wrapped around her.

Louis's POV

"I don't want a lot for Christmas, this is all I'm asking for. I just wanna see my baby standing right outside my door." the music plays and Ashleigh dances. I smile at how beautiful she is. Every step is perfectly choreographed, and every move is flawless. Her ruffled skirt twirls and she looks so cute. I didn't know she could dance, let alone this good. She finishes and I clap.

"Wow. Wow, wow, wow. That was, I'm speechless." I say and she laughs.

"Is that a good thing?" she asks and I smile.

"Of course. It was fabulous!" I exclaim and kiss her.

"I'm glad you liked it." she says.

"Babe I loved it." I say and she steps back and looks away, then back at me.

"There's something I need to tell you Louis." she says and bites her lip. Oh no, what was wrong? Something with Harry, I was sure of it.

"What is it Ashleigh?" I ask.

"Well last night I went and ate dinner with Harry." yup I was right. "And we talked about a lot of things; one was you." she pauses and a smile spreads across her face. "He said it was ok if we were together as long as you don't hurt me." she says and I'm shocked, and thrilled.

I pick her up and spin her around. This was fantastic!

"How amazing!" I say and she giggles. "Oh I love you." I say and kiss her. Did I just say I loved her? She realizes it too and we stare into each others eyes for a second.

"I love you too." she says and smiles. I kiss her again and my heart soars. This could possibly be the happiest I'd ever been.

"You know that song you danced to?" I ask and she looks confused.

"Yeah? All I want for Christmas is you, why?" she asks and I smile.

"Well you got me."

Fay's POV

"Fay, you going to hang out with Harry?" Sydnie asks and I shrug.

"Not really sure." I say and she comes and sits next to me.

"What's wrong?" she asks and I try to avoid her eyes.

"I'm scared." I say quietly.

"Scared? Of what?" she asks. Thank goodness the others had left already, Sydnie was the only one who could see me like this.

"Syd, I think I really like Harry." I say and look at her.

"Well he likes you too. Why are you scared?" she asks.

"I'm scared of getting hurt. That's why I've never kept a boyfriend for too long, I don't want to get hurt." I say and she glances away.

"You've got to take risks if you want to find love." she says and I'm shocked. "Go for it Fay, you can't let fear hold you back your whole life." she says, then stands and leaves the room. Was she mad at me? It seemed like it, but why?

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