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Fay's POV

"So have you kissed him yet?" I ask Sydnie eagerly as we sit in our room.

"No!" she answers quickly in defense. "You know I don't do that."

"It was just a question." I laugh. "But you really like him?"

"Well I just met him yesterday. I don't really know." she trails off, but as she turns away from me I see her smile.

"Don't hold back Sydnie, he seems like a great guy." I tell her. Every time she got close to a guy she would always put up a wall and I wanted her to be happy.

"So did Ty, and Kyle, and Evan. But look what they turned out to be. After Christmas break we'll all go home, and all this will end. He's just another guy; probably a heart breaker." she says and turns back to me.

"Give him a chance Syd. You never know if you don't try." I say and she shrugs. "For gods sake Sydnie! You can't be afraid of taking chances for the rest of your life!" I say raising my voice.

"I'm not afraid of taking chances, I just live in the real world where not everything is rainbows and butterflies. Where I get whatever I want." she says turning her back to me again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask and she glances at me over her shoulder.

"Nothing, I'm just being honest." she says and walks to the bathroom.

"Are you saying that I get whatever I want?" I ask following her.

"I never said that." she says and starts brushing her teeth.

"But you implied it." I say and she ignores me. "Sydnie what did I do wrong?" she spits and looks at me.

"You knew I had a thing for Harry, but you didn't care." she says blankly then pushes past me out of the bathroom.

"Are you kidding me? You're jealous? Something's never change I guess." I say and she spins around to face me.

"What?" she says with a look of anger.

"You've always been jealous of me." I say and her eyes get wide.

"Because I'd be jealous of someone who, my whole life, has taken everything I've wanted? Yeah ok."

"It's not stealing just because I'm better than you and earn everything." I snap.

"Oh, so going behind my back and stealing my past three boyfriends was you being better than me?" she asks and now I'm shocked. How did she?... "Yeah, I've known about that for a while but I chose to look over it because everybody makes mistakes. But I'm done being pushed around Fay. No more." she says and grabs her pillows and blankets and walks towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Jordan's room," she says and leaves. Did I just loose my best friends?

Zayn's POV

"Louis if she's worried about it maybe you should be too." Liam tries to reason with him.

"You guys have seen Harry. Do you honestly think he could hurt me?" Louis asks, a little cocky.

"I don't know man, just watch yourself." Niall says.

"You all need to be quiet; every single one of you is after a girl too." Louis says.

"Yeah but they don't have a brother that hates us." Justin says.

"Lou's right though, we can't try and stop him from liking Ashleigh. It's his life he can do what he wants with it." I say.

"And again Zayn is poetic and correct." Niall says and we all laugh.

"Just know what you're in for Louis." Liam says and stands. "Good night boys." he says before walking to his and Niall's room.

"Yeah it's late, I'm going to bed too." Justin says and goes to his room.

"Well this is boring now, might as well get some sleep." I say heading to mine and Louis' room while he and Niall continue talking. I get ready for bed and as I lay down the days events run through my head.

I smile just thinking about Maria. She was just the best. I knew this vacation would be fun, and she was just a bonus.

Harry's POV

"You promised to stay out of my life Harry!" Ashleigh shouts at me.

"Ash I'm sorry but I just don't trust that Louis guy." I say.

"You don't know him! He's a great person."

"You're my little sister, I'm not going to let him hurt you." I state.

"He's not going to hurt me! Why do you think he will?" she continues shouting.

"Calm down, I just know the type of guy he is." I say and she crosses her arms and glares at me.

"What? The one who leads a girl on then ditches her for her best friend? Oh wait no that's you. And I can tell you to watch out for Fay too. She reminds me of Kelsey." she says before storming into her room and slamming the door.

I stand there in shock. She was right. I'd completely left Sydnie hanging. Who was I to talk? That still didn't change the fact that I didn't like Louis, and Ashleigh needed to stay away from him. I needed to set him straight; now.

I leave our suite and head over to Louis and the others'. I knock and hear someone walking to the door. It opens and sure enough it's the guy I want to see.

"Harry, what brings you here at eleven?" Louis asks.

"We need to talk." I say and he steps into the hall. Wow. Cartoon pajama pants; were we in seventh grade or something?

"Talk away." he says crossing his arms. He was kinda buff...

"I love my sister and I don't want her to get hurt. I'll do anything to protect her. Do you get where I'm going with this?" I ask and he puffs out his chest a little. He was trying to act tough, but I was still taller than him and looking up at me was probably a little intimidating. I hoped it was.

"I'm guessing if I hurt her you hurt me?" he asks.

"Exactly. I going to try and be cool by letting you two hang out but I'm warning you. If I hear anything about you hurting her, you're dead." I say and he turns his head a little.

"Has anyone told you that you're hair is really curly?" he asks and I look at him dumbfounded. Did he really just say that?

"Yeah, I've heard it before. Just remember what u said." I say and start walking back down the hall.

"Goodnight Curly." he says and I hear the door shut. I couldn't believe what just happened. He had guts.

Maybe not brains, but he had guts. I didn't like it.


Hi again! It's Sydnie:) So Fay is having some personal problems and won't be around for a bit, but I will continue writing. I hope you guys are enjoying this:)


A Colorful ChristmasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon