Right Here

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Harry's POV

"So what do you want to do now?" I ask Fay and she smiles and shrugs.

"Whatever." she says and I roll my eyes.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask and she nods. "Ok what one?" I ask and look through the channels.

"Whatever you want." she says and I sigh.

"What is wrong with you? You're never quiet like this." I say and she laughs.

"I don't know, you're just kinda perfect." she says, and it doesn't make sense, but I kiss her cause she's sweet. "Oh and we have to watch this one." she says and clicks on the Breaking Dawn 2. Great, vampires.

Not long after the movie starts I look down at Fay and she's sleeping. Well fantastic. She looked so peaceful though. I brush some hair out of her face and she cuddles up to me a little more.

Then I hear people talking and turn to see Justin and Sydnie walk by laughing and holding hands. My heart sinks at the sight of Sydnie. I could have been the one making her laugh. The one holding her hand. But I chose Fay.

I look back at Fay and think of what Ashleigh told me. She reminded her of Kelsey. Honestly she was so much like Kelsey, and maybe that's why I liked her so much.

Justin's POV

"And this one time, our teacher. She tripped on the carpet, and, said there was a bump in the floor. Fay was, actually, looking for it." Sydnie says between laughs.

"Are you kidding me?" I bust up laughing even more. We were walking around talking, telling stories, laughing. And I was falling even harder for her.

"No." she continues laughing.

"Oh god. Once, Niall was trying to impress this gymnast, and he tried doing a flip and face planted. Oh god he started crying. Then we got him ice cream and he was totally fine. He's like a child." I laugh.

"Awww poor Niall." she says. "He seems like a sweet guy."

"Yeah he is, but he's also very funny and inappropriate at times." I say and she laughs. "He seems to like Chanel a lot though."

"Yeah, she likes him a lot too. I think more than she's ever liked a boy actually." she says,

"Really? That's cool." I say. I wanted to know how Sydnie felt about me. I mean we were dating, so obviously she liked me; but how much? "Do you wanna just hang out here?" I ask as we walk into the lobby.

"Yeah sure," she says and sits next to me on the couch. "Out of all the boys, who are you closest to?"

"Probably Niall, then Zayn, Liam and Louis. What about you with the girls?" I answer.

"Well before this week it was Fay. And pretty much the same with the others."

"Oh, I'm sorry about what happened. At least you guys are talking now though." I say and she nods.

"Yeah, I guess. So, Christmas Eve is tomorrow. What do you want from Santa?" she asks smiling.

"Well I've been wanting either a new guitar, or my acceptance letter for college." I say and her eyes get wide.

"Which college?" she asks.

"Uh, Boston. For hockey." I say and her eyes get bigger.

"They're like number one though.." she says and I nod. "That's crazy! I can't believe you play hockey, and are that good, and I didn't know! But you know what's more crazy?" she asks and smiles.

"What?" I ask.

"I also applied to BC." she says and looks away. Did I hear her right?!

"No way," I say and she nods and looks at me.

"I told you it was crazy."

"Did you do early admissions?" I ask.

"No, did you?"

"Yeah, and that means I should have gotten an answer, or at least before the twenty fifth. I'm scared." I say and she smiles.

"Don't be, everything will work out." she says and I put my arm around her.

"I sure hope so."

Zayn's POV

Now. I had to. No. I was nervous. Ok. Wow she was beautiful..

"Zayn, you ok?" Maria asks and I look away.

"Yeah.." I say quietly.

"You sure? You seem kind of distracted."

"Well I am, because you're perfect." I say and she smiles.

"No, tell the truth." she says and I look into her eyes.

"I am. I'm distracted because of you." I wanted to just ask her right there, but it needed to be different. Special.

"Whatever." she laughs and pushes me playfully.

"Maria, I need to ask you something." I say and look away, then back at her. I wanted her to know how I felt about her; now.

"Ask away." she says, and I grab her hand.

"Maria, this is long overdue, but.." I trail off then look into her eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course Zayn." she smiles and I kiss her.

"Sorry it took so long." I say and she laughs.

"No problem, better late than never." she says and I kiss her again. Nothing could be better than this moment right here.

Liam's POV

"Jordan, come here." I say and she rolls her eyes and walks over to me.

"What Liam?" she asks, I could tell she was slightly annoyed. But that would change.

"You know, Christmas time. It's nice." I say trying not to look up.

"Yeah, it is." she says.

"And uh, do you know what one Christmas tradition is?" I ask smiling.

"Giving presents? I don't know." she says and I grab her hands I look into her eyes.

"Look up." I say and she does, then she looks back at me and smiles.

"Mistletoe, cute." she says.

"And we're under it. You know what that means." I say and she blushes a little.

"I do," she says and stands on her tip toes. I lean down and we kiss. "I've always wanted to kiss someone under the mistletoe." she says smiling.

"Well you got your wish." I say and kiss her forehead.

"You're too perfect Li." she says and I laugh.


Niall's POV

"Oh. My. God. That was some good pie." I say sitting back in my chair and Chanel laughs.

"I could tell you liked it when you tried taking some of mine!" she says and I pout.

"I'm sorry babe." I say and she kisses me.

"It's ok. I forgive you." she says and I smile.

"Yay. I couldn't live if you were mad at me." I say and she smiles.

"I could never be mad at you." she says and we state into each others eyes for a minute in silence.

This was why I liked her so much. We didn't have to be talking but it felt like she got me. And looking into her eyes, or just being around her, I still got butterflies.

"Chanel, I, I love you." I say and am kind of shocked by my own words. But I meant them. Her eyes get a little big, but she smiles.

"I love you too Niall." she says and I smile. This was love.

A Colorful ChristmasOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz