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Hey there guyssss:) well here it is, chapter 10!

This chapter has some, confrontation, and I hope you don't hate me lol. But I hope you enjoy. Here it is:) xx-Sydnie


Louis's POV

"It's getting pretty bad out there." Liam says looking out the window.

"This sucks! I really wanted to ski today." Niall pouts and Chanel hugs him.

"It's ok, you'll live." he says and we all laugh.

"Look at us. We're sitting here doing nothing talking about the snow storm. That's not cool." I say. It was Liam, Jordan, Chanel, Niall, Zayn, Maria, Ashleigh, and I all here in the lounge.

"Yeah, we should get out there and Live While We're Young- ;)." Ashleigh says.

"If we go outside we will be frozen." Liam says being protective as usual.

"Well we should do something more than sit here." Ashleigh says running her hands through her blonde hair. She was so gorgeous.

"Let's play hide and seek! Like through the whole lodge." Maria suggests.

"Yeah let's do it!" Niall exclaims.

"Everyone want to?" Jordan asks.

"Yeah," the rest of us say together.

"Ok, soooo. Not it!" I shout and jump up.

"Not it!" everyone but Zayn says.

"Zayn's it." Ashleigh giggles and runs out of the room.

"Count to sixty." Liam says and we all run out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I ask Niall and he shrugs and turns right and runs. I guess I'd go left. Where did Ashleigh go? I go down the hall and stop thinking where I could go quickly.

"Louis!" I hear someone shout and I see Ashleigh waving to me. I run to her and she pulls me down the familiar hall to our secret room.

"This is perfect." I whisper as I close the door.

"More than perfect." she smiles at me.

"I'm so lucky to have you." I say and she looks at the ground.

"So am I." she says and we hear steps outside the door and both jump.

"Go back there." I laugh pointing to a wardrobe. We hurry behind it right before the door opens.

"I heard voices. Who are you?" Zayn asks walking around the room. How did he find us already?!

"Guys?" he asks and stops walking. Good thing it was dark in here, he wouldn't stay long. I look at Ashleigh who is trying not to laugh and I can't help but smile. After a few minutes Zayn walks out and closes the door behind him.

"Did he really leave?" Ashleigh whispers.

"Yeah, he doesn't like the dark to much," I answer quietly.

"How close was that?" she laughs.

"Shhhhh!" I say. "He could still be out there."

"You talk like he's a murderer," she says.

"I take this game very seriously." I whisper and she tries not to laugh.

"It's a game. Relax." she says quiet now.

"I don't like losing." I say regularly now.

"Hmm competitive. I like that." she says and I step closer.

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