John smiled. "Take your time." He cut his eyes over to Kai. "How's it going with the dart?"

Kai and Zelenka had been working on the remains of a crashed dart that had beamed McKay and Lieutenant Cadmen aboard while off world on a mission. Zelenka had rematerialized McKay almost immediately, but there hadn't been enough power to beam Cadmen out and McKay was still unconscious. As a result Kai and Zelenka had brought the remains of the dart back to Atlantis and were doing their best to save the Lieutenant's life.

"The transformer that regulates power distribution didn't survive McKay's rematerialization. We're still trying to figure out a way to convert power so we can beam Cadmen out safely," Kai explained.

She spoke to both John and Ronon so the Satedan would feel included in the conversation. Although truth be told neither man looked like they followed what she was talking about.

John nodded, taking another bite of his lunch. "Has McKay woken up yet?"

Kai shook her head. "Not yet."

Kai finished eating with Ronon and Sheppard. Ronon hadn't spoken another word, but he had for sure been listening while John and Kai chatted about the issue with the dart. When she was finished eating Kai excused herself and returned to the lab.

She and Zelenka were working for several hours before the doors hissed open and McKay stomped into the lab. Sheppard, Weir and Beckett hurried in after him. McKay looked over everyone working and marched over to the pieces of the transformer. "Oh nice one," he growled lifting out the charred pieces and dropping them back into the tray.

Zelenka huffed. "We were running out of power. I knew hardly anything about the machine. Who would have thought this could be one of the side effects?" Zelenka asked defensively.

"So instead of waiting to understand what you were doing you just sort of mashed on the keyboard hoping something would happen?" McKay snarled unkindly.

"You're alive aren't you," Kai growled from her work station.

McKay spun around, his temper fixating on Kai. "I thought you were supposed to know about darts! Aren't you our resident expert in Wraith tech!"

"Hey-" John started to say but McKay cut him off.

"He doesn't know how to fix it!" McKay exclaimed suddenly, staring up towards the ceiling.

John and Kai exchanged a confused glance.

"Talking to her," McKay snapped, pointing to his head.

"You can hear her thoughts?" Weir asked curiously. At her heart Elizabeth was a scientist, and what was happening to McKay, though concerning, was fascinating.

"No, not her thoughts thank god. I can hear when she's trying to speak," McKay explained.

Weir turned to Carson. "Are you sure he should be discharged?"

"According to the MRI he's as healthy as he ever was," Carson replied with a shrug.

"Well we can't all be track stars now can we?" McKay exclaimed again. Then he looked to the room. "It was her again."

Kai and Sheppard exchanged a concerned look. John leaned in towards Beckett. "Maybe there's something wrong an MRI wouldn't pick up, if you know what I mean."

McKay scowled at them. "I'm not crazy, I just have another consciousness in my brain."

"So he just looks crazy?" Sheppard asked Carson.

McKay scowled. "I'm sure I do, but only because Doctor Fumbles McStupid and his Supermodel Side kick over there got in way over their head."

"Yes, yes," Zelenka agreed. "I made a mistake trying to save your life. Now, do you want to try to fix it, or do you want to continue to berate me some more?"

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now