chapter 16

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Not edited

One week later

Nico and I have been ignoring each other all week. When I came back home the other night he didn't even try to fix things. He just pretended like nothing happened. But it doesn't matter, I don't need him or anyone else. I have me, myself, and I and that's all I need.

I get to school and go to first period. I forgot that Josh was in this class and that he sat right next to me and that we had to work on a project together. ( if u don't remember who Josh is, he's the guy who Nico hates)

"So class I hope yall have been working on your projects because they're due in 2 weeks." I hear the teacher say.

Oh shit, Josh and I haven't done any of the project yet and I feel like I'm gonna be doing most of the work.

"So partner my house or your house?" I hear Josh ask me. 

"What?" I ask.

"To work on the project."

"Oh um my house."

"Ok, today after school?"

"Ya sure?"

Ugh I really don't want to work with Josh. He's so annoying and him and Nico just fight all the time.

I gasp. Nico.

You can make him mad.

What, you again? What do you want?

You can make Nico mad by hanging with Josh.

Why would I do that?

Because Nico has been an ass to you and he hurt you.

Ya but that'll just make him mad.

That's the point.

But Josh isn't a good guy.

You can protect yourself from him. What's the worst that could happen?

I guess your right.

I'm always right.


Once I get home I hurry up and get ready before Josh comes. Operation make Nico mad is a go.

I put on some lip gloss, mascara, and change my outfit. I make sure to wear a thong and shorts to make Nico even more mad. Then I start cleaning up my room and get some snacks. Lastly I get out some stuff for the project.

I hear the doorbell and ask Nico to get the door on purpose.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Nico say to Josh when he opened the door.

"We're working on a project together." I say while walking downstairs.

"Maya I told you Josh isn't the type of guy you should be around." Nico says to me.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Josh says.

"It means you take advantage of girls and ruin them. And I'm not going to let you ruin Maya like you ruined every other girl." Nico says while glaring at Josh.

"I don't ruin anyone. They choose to make that decision them selves." Josh fired back.

"Guys stop fighting, we really have to do this project because it's due soon and we haven't even started." I say before things get too out of hand.

"Ya we have a project to do." Josh says to Nico.

"I'll help you guys." Nico says.

"It's not your project Nico, and yall r just gonna argue the whole time and get nothing done. So your not coming." I say getting aggravated with Nico.

I grab Josh's arm and drag him to my room before Nico can say another word. I'm getting so annoyed with him, but atleast he's finally paying attention to me. I hear the front door slam shut and then a car driving away. It's probably Nico being annoying again.


Josh and I have been working on our project for almost 2 hours and I'm starting to get tired. He barely did any work in the beginning and just kept touching me even though I told him to stop multiple times. But eventually I managed to get him to stop and do some work by agreeing to go on a date with him. I only agreed because I know it will make Nico even more mad and I was getting tired of doing the whole project myself.

Josh and I decide to finish the rest of the project tomorrow since we were both tired. I walk him to the door and see Nico just walked in and he's drunk.

"Yourr stilll heerre?" Nico says while slurring his speach and tumbling over everything.

"Ya we were working on our project." Josh says.

"Surre youu were. Whatever it's fine you can have herr." Nico says while bumping into the table and breaking a vase.

"What was that noise?" Phiona says from upstairs.

Shoot I forgot she was home. "Nothing." I tell her.

"It didn't sound like nothing." She says while walking downstairs.

No she's gonna see Nico and then he'll get in trouble. I have to do something.

No you dont. Let him get in trouble.

Ugh you again. I can't do that.

Why not? He broke your heart.

Good point, I'm not gonna help him. He got drunk; that's his fault.

"Nico are you drunk?" Phiona questions.

"Nooo I just had like 3 beers." Nico says.

"Nicholas Williams! That is illegal! Your in a whole lot of trouble mister! Wait till your father gets home! Your grounded, give me your phone!"

"Whatever." Nico says while trying to go upstairs but fails so Phiona has to help him.

"Dang she looked really pissed." Josh says.

I forgot he was still here. "Ya I've never seen her that mad before."

"Well I should get going. See you tomorrow?"


Sry I've been updating so late alot. I've been rly busy and Im having writers block. I'm honestly just tired of writing this book and I think I'm going to end it soon. Sry guys. Dont forget to Pls vote, comment, and share.

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