chapter 10

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(The song above is just what I imagine Maya and Nico's scene at the end to be going through their heads)

When we get to the party it's already in full swing. We're fashionably late. Nico, Alex, Lola, and Sydney go their seperate ways when we get there. So it's just me and Jazz. We walk to the drinks and Jazz offers me some, but I refuse. I don't wanna make the same mistakes again.

We decide to go dance and it's really hot and sweaty in here. I feel someone's hand touch my ass and they squeeze it. I gasped and turned around quickly to see Josh smirking at me. I glare at him and I'm about to yell at him,  but before I can say anything he comes really close to me that if I moved, our lips would touch.

"You know you liked it. Don't deny it sweet cheeks." Josh whispers to me.

I'm frozen in my spot and I feel my stomach knotting. Did he just call me sweet cheeks? This guy is so disgusting.

Then why do you like him.

What?! I don't like him, I hate him. And why are you in my head again.

Because dummy, I'm your conscience. And you wouldn't be feeling butterflies in your stomach if you didnt have feelings for him. 

They're not butterflies, it's knots. There's a difference.


Before I can keep arguing with my conscience I feel Josh's lips against mine. I immediately try to push him away, but he grips my waist and arm hard. I keep fighting him, but it's no use he won't let go.

"Why aren't you kissing me back!" Josh yells when he finally parts our lips. "Kiss me back." He demands while kissing me again and holding me tighter.

I should've listened to Nico that day and none of this would be happening right now. I feel tears streaming down my eyes. Why do I have to be so dumb?

All of a sudden Josh is teared off of me and getting punched in the face countless times. I walk towards them and see Nico is the one punching him. I'm so in shock of what just happened in the last five minutes that I don't notice Josh is basically passed out.

"Nico stop! You're going to kill him!" I yell while trying to grab his arm.

"He forced himself on you and you're defending him?!" Nico yells at me.

"I'm not defending him. I just don't want to see someone die because of  me."

Nico stops punching Josh and stares at me for what feels like an eternity. He finally gets up and looks at the crowd he gathered then looks at me. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I say while he looks at the red marks on my arm where Josh was holding me.

"Let's go." Nico says while leading me to the car.

"Do you guys have nothing better to do with your lives!" He yells to the crowd who was staring at us.

We walk in silence for a while because the car is pretty far. Nico hasn't let go of my hand since we left the party. It's kinda warming even though I kind of think it's a little weird. All of a sudden I remember Jazz, Lola, Alex, and Sydney. How are they gonna get home?

"How are the girls gonna get home? They came with us." I say breaking the silence.

"They'll find a ride." He says through gritted teeth.

Is he mad? Why is he mad? Is he mad at me? What did I do this time? Why do I always have to mess everything up? Why am I so dumb? We were finally getting along again. One day we hate each others guts then we start bonding again and then we hate each other again then we get along again and now he's mad at me again. Ugh I hate Josh. He makes everything so complicated and annoying. Why did he have to kiss me?

I was in such deep thought that I didn't notice Nico staring at me. I also noticed we were already at the car, but he wasn't making any move to go inside.

I look back at Nico and the street light is shining perfectly on his face. I never noticed his beautiful features. His hair is the perfect amount of messy. It's not too messed up that it looks disgusting but the type where it is still hot. And his muscles are so defined by his short sleeved shirt. It's like they wanna break through the shirt. His nose is such a weird shape but it suits him like it was made for him. And his eyes are the best part. They're like an ocean. It's so calm and breathtaking at the same time. Everytime you look at his eyes it blows your mind how amazing they are.

I realize while I've been staring at Nico he's doing the same to me. I can feel him looking at all my flaws and I start feeling a bit insecure. I'm not like all those other pretty girls he probably hangs out with and stuff. He probably thinks I'm some ugly helpless little girl who has problems.

I look back at Nico's eyes again and he's staring at mine too. I feel like he can see right through me. He can see everything I've been through and everything I've done.  It scares me to think he might know my past. I dont want him to think of me like that.  Like everyone does. With pity and sadness. I don't need it and I don't want it.

I feel his soft hand touch my cheek. At first I jump from the feeling because I'm so used to people only touching me to hit me. He has a frown on his face from the way I jumped.  I look at the ground feeling embarrassed, but then I feel his hand lightly lifting my chin. I don't jump this time because I know his touch now and it's so soft and warm like it's supposed to be there. He moves his hand to my cheek and puts his other hand in mine. We're both staring into each other's eyes again and this time I'm not scared he'll see through me. He already knows me.

(I rly like this chapter even tho it's kinda messy and short. I hope yall like it too. I have a surprise for yall in the next chapter. Pls vote, comment, and share. I'd really appreciate it)

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