chapter 8

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(Not fully edited)

I walk into my first period and sit in the first empty seat I find. The bell rings and everyone rushes to take their seats. I hear someone taking a seat next to me and see that it's Josh. He smirks at me and I just roll my eyes. Why does he have to sit here? He's caused enough trouble for me.

I try to ignore him most of class by concentrating really hard on what the teacher is talking about. I feel someone's hand on my thigh and I gasp. I look at Josh and he's smirking at me again. I never noticed how beautiful he is. His eyes are as blue as an ocean that I could stare at them all day. And his smile is just so perfect. Ew what am I talking about this is the guy that raped a girl. I try to shove his hand off me, but he keeps putting his hand back on my thigh. I try to tell him to stop but he won't listen.

"You know you like it." Josh whispers to me so no one else can hear while smirking.

I feel butterflies in my stomach and I try to hide my blushing cheeks. What is happening to me? I don't like this guy. I ask the teacher if I can go to the bathroom and hide in there most of class.

I go back to class when we only have five minutes left and the whole class is quietly doing their work. I sit in my seat and try to sit as far as I can from Josh.

"You guys will have a long term group project. You have to observe and watch your partner and then make a presentation about them. I expect all of you to go deeper than what just meets the eye. Your partner will be the person sitting next to you." The teacher says.

I internally slap myself in the face. This is bad, really bad. I've been trying to make things better with Nico. Working on a project with Josh isn't going to help that, especially if it's long term. Why does he have to interview me? I don't want him to find out anything about me. He'll probably go around telling people all my secrets. Nobody knows those secrets, not even Nico.

"So I guess we're partners." Josh says.

I just look st him and then start walking out of the class because the bell rang.

"Hey wait." Josh says while jogging towards me.

"What do you want?" I say sounding annoyed.

"Jeez someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." Josh says.

I start walking away again.


"What?" I say getting irritated of him.

"I'm just trying to talk to you about the project jeez stop being so rude."

"Me, rude. Look who's talking." I say back.

"What have I ever done to you to make you think I'm rude." Josh says.

"You wouldn't stop putting your hand on me when I kept saying no."

"I was just trying to be funny."

"Well it wasn't." I say trying to walk away again.

"Wait." I hear him say again but I ignore him and keep on walking. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him.

"Let go of me." I say while trying to let go of his grasp but his grip is hard.

"I'm trying to talk about the project. Can we just do that?"

"Why do you care so much about the project?"

"I'm just trying to get a good grade."

"Ya right."

"Whatever, just give me your number."

"I'm not giving you my number."

"Chill it's just for the project so I can text you."

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