chapter 3

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(Above is a photo of Nico)

I wake up the next morning and look at my phone and it's 9:00 in the morning. I decided to get up and get ready for today. Fiona told me that we're gonna go to the mall today so I can get some clothes for school and meet some new people. I'm not really looking forward to it. I hate meeting people because then I have to talk to them and they always ask me so many questions that I don't feel like answering. I also hate shopping because there's so much to choose from and I can never make up my mind.

I walk down the stairs and it smells like bacon and pancakes. I haven't had either of those in forever. I start drooling because it smells so good. Everyone is already downstairs except for Nico, I guess he's not a morning person.

"Good morning!" Manny says to me.

"Good morning." I reply.

"I made breakfast for all of us and once we're done we'll go to the mall." Fiona states.


"Do you mind going to wake up Nico, he always wakes up so late. He's coming to the mall with us too and I don't want him to make us late." Fiona asks me.

"Sure." I say.

I really didn't want to wake Nico up because I'm pretty sure he'll be mad if I do and I don't want him to be mad at me. I hate when people are mad at me because I never know what I did to make them mad. That's probably because of Phill. He always seemed mad at me and I kept thinking there was something wrong with me. I also don't want Nico coming to the mall with us because that would just be weird. I'm pretty sure Fiona is making him come so we can bond or something.

I lightly knock on his door but I don't think he heard me, so I knock a little harder this time. I don't hear anything so I decide to slightly open the door and I regret it right away. Right in front of me is Nico and a girl fucking each other. My mouth drops open because I'm shocked they would be doing it while his parents are home.

"Do you not know how to knock!" He screams at me.

I just stand there frozen.

"GET OUT!" He yells.

I quickly close the door and run to my room to cool off. I hear the girl ask who that was and Nico just says nobody. He thinks I'm a nobody. We were best friends for so long and he just called me a nobody. Wow that is low even for him. It's too late to try and make him like me now. Ugh I have to ruin everything. I go downstairs and quietly eat my breakfast. Nico still hasn't come down yet.

I hear someone outside and then Nico comes downstairs. It was probably the girl who was just with him. He says bye to his parents and is about to walk out the door when Fiona stops him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Fiona questions him.

"I'm going to hang with the guys." Nico says innocently.

"I told you that we're going to the mall today to help Maya buy some clothes for school." She tells him.

"But I already have plans with the guys and I can't cancel on them." He says.

"Fine then Maya can tag along with you." Fiona states.

"Why does she have to come with me? Why can't you just go shopping with her and I go and hang with my friends? I'm just gonna be bored at the mall anyway." Nico says annoyedly.


It gets really silent for a minute and the only noise you can hear is the squeaky fan.

"Can you hear me? Mall or friends choose?" Fiona says angrily. 

"She can come with me." Nico says blankly.

"Thank you. Maya would you like to go with Nico?" Fiona asks me.

"Sure." I tell her as I get up and walk towards the door.

"Now you better take care of her and watch out for her ok? And don't do anything stupid. She better come back in one peice." Fiona says to Nico.

"I will." He says annoyedly.

We walk to his car and I sit in the front. The car ride is really quiet and awkward. I really didn't want to come with Nico. If we had gone to the mall he would atleast behave because his mom would be there, but when Fiona asked me I couldn't say no because I didn't want to cause them any more trouble than I had. My first day here and people are already fighting about me.

The car is really quiet until Nico breaks the silence.

"I'm gonna set some ground rules. First of all you never saw anything happen this morning in my room. Second of all don't talk to my friends unless they talk to you. They're all jocks so they're gonna act like jocks. And if anyone asks you who you are just say you're one of my old friends that used to live here and just moved back and you're living with us."

"Ok." That's all I can say cause I don't really know how to respond to that and I'm still kinda mad at him for calling me a nobody.

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