chapter 13

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Their not high anymore from the last chapter.

"Hey get ready because we're going out for lunch." Nico tells me.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Its a surprise." He smirks.

"I hate surprises."

"I know." He says with a smirk still plastered on his face.

I decide to wear a sunflower dress along with my white sandals and my long gold necklace. The dress shows some of my cleavage which I love because it's the only part of my body I like. I walk downstairs to where Nico is waiting for me and I notice him staring at my boobs. I laugh at him saying my eyes are up here and he coughs trying to make it look like he wasn't just staring at my boobs. We walk to the car and he starts driving.

We get to a hill and get out of the car. We start walking a bit and I don't question where we are going because I know it'll be great no matter what. Nico stops at a cliff and I stop too.

The view in front of me is so breathtaking. You can see the whole city from here. You can see all the people and children living their different lives. The birds are flying around happily and the dogs running around. It looks so perfect like nothing could ever go wrong here. It looks so safe which makes me feel safe.

That's when I notice how much I really trust Nico. I feel so safe around him, I trust him enough to tell him my secrets without having to worry about him telling anyone. I don't know how I grew to trust him this much, but all I know is that I trust him and I have to tell him about my past. It's about time he knows. He's been so nice to me lately that he deserves to know. Besides I feel bad for keeping him in the dark for so long, so I tell him.

"My step dad abused me. He would always be drunk or high or some shit. I reminded him too much of my mom and he didnt want to remember her because it pained him too much. So instead of dealing with the pain he let it out on me. I was always scared to go home because I knew what was coming. Sometimes he would be in a good mood and wouldn't hit me too much if I had an injury from a previous beating. But when he was mad I didn't know if he would stop. Sometines I didn't want him to stop so I could just be done with suffering and it wouldn't be my fault. The only reason I never killed myself was because I knew my mom and dad would be disappointed in me and I knew my step dad was just trying to deal with grief in his own way. He would tell me I was the reason my mom died and I started believing him. If I just wasn't born then none of this would happen. If I never bothered my mom then she would still be here. If I wasn't her child she could still have a happy life." I started tearing up and Nico pulled me into a hug. I continued talking anyway. "My neighbor eventually found out from all the screaming and yelling from my house and she called the cops. Ever since them I've been jumping from foster home to foster home because no one wanted me."

Nico hugs me and holds me tight until I stop crying. "I am so sorry you had to go through all that. It wasn't your fault your mom died. No one could have stopped that from happening. I just wanna beat up your stepdad for making you feel like this. No one deserves to go through that."

I just keep crying in his arms, finally letting it all out. All that pain, guilt, and doubt is finally being free. After telling Nico everything I feel a weight lifted off of my shoulders. I never really told anybody about what my stepdad did. When he went to jail I didn't tell the police what he did they just found out. So this was really the first time I'm actually opening up. I hate being vulnerable to anyone, but I just felt that I had to tell Nico.

"You're perfect just the way you are. Your step dad is a monster, dont believe anything he told you. It wasn't your fault she died, it was no one's fault." Nico says.

I manage to stop crying and let out an ok. He looks me in the eyes the same way he did the other night. Those bright happy blue eyes which seemed to look a darker shade than usual were staring into my sad dark green ones. His hand touches my cheek and he brushes my cheek with his thumb a few times. I look at his hand then back at his eyes as he does the same. It feels like an eternity that we are looking at each other.

Just as I am about to look away I feel soft lips touch mine. It takes me a while to figure out that Nico just kissed me when he moves back.

"Im so sorry I shouldn't have done that. I'm really stupid I dont know what I was thinking. You just opened up to me and all I can think about it kissing you I'm such an idiot." He says.

He keeps on saying he's sorry and instead of saying anything I kiss him. He was surprised at first but then started kissing back.

It felt so perfect. It was like our lips were made for each other, they fit perfectly in sync together. The kiss was so passionate, it was like we couldn't get enough of each other. Everything is just so perfect right now it feels like nothing can ruin this moment.

After we finished making out a couple of times Nico surprised me with a picnic. Supposedly he hid a basket of food with him in the car. We start eating and we're both silent. It's not the awkward type of silence, but the comfortable silence where your so comfortable with the person that you don't have to say anything. The best type of silence.

Sry I took so long to update, I had no inspiration to write. But anyway, I hope yall r happy, Nico and Maya finally kissed! Comment what u think their ship name should be. Pls vote, comment, and share. I'd rly appreciate it.

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