Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hobi look at Namjoon who shook his head clearly indicating he didn't say that. It didn't matter though because Jungkook hadn't seen him.

"Bruised, broken whatever. You can't be putting weight on it yet you could make it worse or it might not heal properly!" 

You could tell he was getting annoyed but you didn't really care. You'd been trapped in his stupid Townhall for weeks while the others were able to go out and scout or sit on the balcony and keep watch. Being forced to move slowly or stay sitting down had made you restless and, now you had the opportunity to argue with someone, you were going to take it.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about it," you waved him off your temper starting to rise.

"But Y/n you need to understand-" 

"No, you need to understand," you cut him off midsentence raising your voice, "It's alright for you guys, you can all go outside see the horse, go scouting or take over as the lookout. I've been trapped in the stupid place for ages not able to do anything. It's driving me crazy so if I say I don't want to use the stick then I'm not going to use it!"

You didn't expect him to argue back but he was determined to make sure his point got across. 

"It doesn't matter how annoyed or frustrated you get because we can all tell you've been getting restless. It matters that you let it heal fully if it doesn't heal fully then you're going to be stuck with the stick a lot longer in the future!"

You were halfway to opening your mouth when Jimin's urgent shouts stopped you, "GUYS, I JUST FOUND SOMETHING GET DOWN HERE!" It was coming from the basement. You and the rest of the group ran downstairs to go and see what he was shouting about.

You'd never been down here before. Your ankle struggled with stairs until recently but you weren't going to say that to Jungkook. It was a square room lined with shelves of food and supplies with a desk in the middle of the room. Jimin was sat in the spinning chair playing with the buttons on an old-looking radio.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked quickly looking serious.

"Shut up and listen," Jimin called waving his hands for silence as everyone gathered around to listen, "I was fiddling with this to see if I could find any music randomly playing when I came across a voice."

"A voice?" Hobi questioned confused.

"Yeah," Jimin nodded unhelpfully and not elaborating further.

The radio sounded static for a moment but as Jimin twisted the dials a choppy voice could be heard. It was very quiet but you could make it out, "Can anyone else hear it?" You nodded and strained your ears.

"What are you all doing?" Taehyung came walking down the stairs looking confused.

"Shhh." Everyone shut him up and he moved into a space to watch Jimin.

After a moment of Jimin twisting in the silence, the faint voice suddenly became more audible.

"If anyone is out there, if anyone is alive please come to us. Our group of over 100 people has created a base that can be used as a safe haven for all. We have plenty of room for everyone so if you're out there and you can hear this come to us. We are located in Seoul Hospital. We've laid out signs so it is easy to locate. If you are in need of help don't hesitate to come to us for aid we have places for long term stayers. We hope you make it, good luck."

The message then started to repeat itself in the same male voice like he was reading from a script. You looked up at the boys, they shared the same wide-eyed expression of excitement as you. 

You glanced at Jungkook who looked at you, there was a look of hope in his eyes that you mirrored. The two of you had completely forgotten your previous argument. There was a possibility of finally being safe where you could live without needing to constantly be worrying or staying up late on the lookout.

You looked at Namjoon waiting for him to say something. Everyone was now looking at him expectantly but he looked like he had no idea what to do. 

The risk for moving was very high, you were in the county side at the minute South-east of Seoul so the Biter count was low but in somewhere populated like Seoul, they would be hordes in the thousands.

"When did you find this?" Jin asked curiously.

"Heard it first about 10 minutes ago but it kept fading in and out. I've been twisting these things until I eventually got a clear signal and called you down here," Jimin explained looking proud of himself. 

"Nice one," Yoongi complimented and Jimin looked even more pleased with himself. He secretly idolised Yoongi, he very rarely gave out compliments so you couldn't blame Jimin. 

"What are we going to do?" Tae asked Namjoon and everyone turned to him expectantly waiting to hear what his plan was. You hoped he had a plan, as nice as this place was you couldn't stay forever, especially if Baehyun was getting closer.

"Let's talk about this upstairs," Namjoon suggested not sounding positive or negative. Everyone nodded and began to make their way upstairs. 

Ooh, stuff is happening!!!

Lotta Love,

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