Start from the beginning

And yes, if they see that I'm being treated this way by the Head of the Church, then many people will immediately accept that we have an important position. Some might get a bit curious, but they will not get anything else besides the information that we have deliberately leaked about us.

"That must be the case. But even if there was no such thing as that cover story, this is the appropriate way to receive my dear Master. If they knew our true identities or Master's, this welcoming would be grander in a way."

Gracefully walking a step behind me, but this time to my left, we have the gorgeously smiling Gabrielle. Of course, such a way of doing so fits her. She is also holding both of her hands near her stomach, just like some high-class women and maids do. And the air she exudes is enough for anyone to have a lasting impression of her.

"I agree in the aspect that this situation is most convenient for us as it shall give us more public exposure. Something that will truly help us in tomorrow's ball, given that Master is a mostly unknown person. But I disagree about the rest, Gabrielle. That would only cause Master to waste time being drowned in protocol."

Says Erica, who is covering my back. She is also walking in a dignified way, but the way she carries herself drives home the image of a loyal and capable maid. Even more so than Gabrielle or Erevain.

Which is obvious considering that that was kind of her job even before joining me. Well, a butler, but yeah.

She is also right, there is no way that arriving to the capital and declaring myself as one sent by the Goddess wouldn't bring me annoying things as consequence. Like political posturing and so on.

I prefer it this way. We can act without having the eyes of everyone on us, in that kind of way at least.

Moving on, Mika and Lucy are in the back of the formation, and they are...well, just look.

"Hello~~! Good day to you too!"

"Lucy, stop doing that! There is no need!"

"Eh, but why? Helloooo~~!!"


Yep, they're doing their thing. Lucy is waving her hand to some of the children looking at us and Mika is trying to scold her while not looking her way, but to no avail.

And a slightly annoyed Bertia is in the middle of them.

"Master, why do I have to be between these two...?"

So she asks lamenting herself.

Sorry Bertia, I thought you could act as a barrier to stop their adorable antics, but I can see that wasn't the case.

Anyways, I would describe how beautiful is the entrance to the cathedral, or how even the floor has beautiful designs on it, but I really, really, just want to go to the place where I can see the stats of everyone!

"Patience is a virtue, dear~~~."

Says the Goddess who got furious after her favorite character didn't show up after one hundred ten rolls in the gacha.

"You...! That was not my fault!! It is the gacha's fault for not giving me my Batty-chan!!"


Oh, we are finally about to enter the proper cathedral.

I nod in gratitude to the paladin who opened the door for us, and I enter first, with the Maid-Knights following behind me.

The interior of this place looks as you would expect, except for the part where the religious idol and the person giving the service usually is, the podium so to speak.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now