How to make a baby?

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Jeno and Jaemin were the first visitors—after Winwin of course—as soon as Haechan was transferred to an in-room.

Both of them scrambled to carry Chenle, and ended up Jeno who gave in. Jaemin was so enthusiastic towards the baby in his arms now.

"Jeno, how to make this thing?" Jaemin could be categorized into adult, of course he was not as stupid as not to know the answer.

And Jeno easily answered, "Take it easy, honey. I'll teach you."

And the four humans in the room laughed together. So that the obvious warmth enveloped their atmosphere.

Mark and Haechan have passed this stage successfully.

They would face the next stage in their life test list to reach the peak of perfection.








No one ever left comment in this story, so now that this is ended, anyone kindly do? :') thankyou

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