I think I can still do the exam well

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"So, when can I deliver this baby, doctor...?"

Haechan has put in the right position in the delivery room. Alone. Just accompanied by Johnny as a doctor who would handle the baby's birth. Also, two instruments nurses that would help them. Winwin took care of the administration and immediately waited in the corridor while waiting for Haechan's mother to arrive.

Haechan was an intersex. He had both male and female reproductive organs. He also had a rounded hip bones shape that made it possible to get the baby out. So, he could go through labor normally, through the intersex hole. He has separated both legs widely, looking ready for show time. One of the nurses watched and checked how far the baby was prepared for birth. The other nurse wiped the sweat on his face and neck, trying to make the boy as comfortable as possible.

He felt his stomach so intense and his body was heated up until his cold sweat production increased. Mucus mixed with blood began to flow from the southern part of his body. He started to feel tired. It was like he wanted to run away from reality.

"You just have to wait about five more minutes," Johnny answered with all his calculations. He started putting mask and gloves on.

Haechan's face was flushed from the agony of Johnny's reply. "What?! Five minutes? What took you so long? Can't I just take it out now? Nghhh...!!!" The pressure on the stomach got him spontaneously push. He also tried to channel the pain by squeezing the delivery table firmly. It was useless. Everything was all in vain. And he still had to face reality.

"No, no, son. Don't push right now. You must remain patient until there's a perfect aperture. You don't want to experience peak disruption later, right? Breathe." Johnny did not want to be prosecuted for helping a kid give birth by force before the time came.

Haechan felt awkward. He was getting frustrated. "But I want to do it now! I can't stand it anymore! Argh!" He jerked his body roughly, causing the baby's head to be pushed all the way to the gate that had him gasp.

"Doctor, the top of the baby's head is already seen." Said the nurse who was in charge of watching the baby's access.

Johnny shook his head. He knew perfectly well Haechan had done that.

What an impatient kid...

The doctor prepared to do the duty and checked the condition of the baby's way out, "The perineum is not torn. We have to do the cutting."

The nurse grabbed a special pair of scissors and Haechan rounded his eyes to see it, "Don't! What will you do? Please don't do that... "

Johnny received the sterile sharp object, "We have to do this so you could get your baby out. Calm down please, the pain has been covered by the contractions that have occurred." He directed the special scissors to the organ he meant.

Haechan could only surrender to do the procedure and the next few seconds he started pushing as Johnny gave instructions.

"Nghhh... hhh..." he really pushed with all his strength until the veins around his neck poked. After several times pushing and not feeling significant change, he stomped his head. Almost gave up.

"Hhh... it hurts... hhh... please call my mother! Sob..." he started crying. Something he has been holding since he still wanted to look strong even though he was having what was usually experienced by women.

Haechan never cried. The last recollection of his tears was when he had great nausea in his first trimester of pregnancy.

Since the first time he felt the symptoms that got him so uncomfortable, until he had a really exhausting pregnancy, he already felt guilty to his mother. Is this what eomma had when she was pregnant with me? Then why after I was born I became a bad child? That was what he was thinking at the time. Then with what Haechan was having in this thrilling moment, he felt guiltier

"Doctor... please c-call my mother... I c-can't do this alone... sob..."

Johnny granted what Haechan wanted. The boy did indeed need concrete mental and verbal support right now.

The nurse walked down the corridor and asked if the mother of the patient has arrived.

"I'm his mother. How's my son's condition?" Answered Haechan's mother who was already there.

The nurse asked the woman to come with her into the room. Leaving Winwin wait alone anxiously in the corridor.

"Honey..." The mother clasped Haechan's hand so tightly. She stroked the top of his son's head and whispered a march of motivational phrases in his ear. She understood exactly what he felt right now.

"Eomma... sob... I... I-I... I can't... hhh..."

"You can. You can do it. You and your baby have been fighting together all along. Now your little angel wants to see its mother."

"Don't close your eyes. Open them, son," Johnny said, in addition to giving instructions to breathe properly.

Meanwhile in the corridor, all that Winwin could do was continuing his endurance. At the moment, he felt the atmosphere around him was too stressful to bring a passion for doing something.

Next, he saw a boy in a school uniform running towards him.

"Hyung! How's my boyfriend?" Mark asked as soon as he reached in front of Winwin. He was breathing heavily.

"Sit down. He's still struggling inside." Winwin pointed to an empty spot beside him using his face.

Mark obeyed. He then tried to stabilize the exhilarating breath.

"How was your exam? Current?" The oriental guy wanted to minimize the tension around them.

"To be honest I couldn't concentrate properly. But I think I can still do the exam well." Mark propped his elbows on his thighs. Closed the face with both palms.

At the moment he could only hope Haechan and their baby would survive.





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