No need. Let me go there. Please wait

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Haechan has done his first exam successfully.

Taeil did not mind if he has to stay longer to accompany Haechan because now the boy's parents were not at home. His father who was an employee was at work, and by midday his mother had brought lunch to his father. But he refused the teacher's offer. He said his mother would be back soon. So Taeil reluctantly left his pupil alone at home. He still had a dissertation affair with his supervisor.

Haechan just set foot on the third rung to return to his room upstairs. He felt something pouring down to soak his pants and legs.

He rounded his eyes as he looked down and saw what happened. "Oh no... Mark..."

Spilled already.

Flooded the stairs.

He did not remember what he was thinking. He just knew he felt his heartbeat suddenly raced faster than normal.

In a situation like this, how could he think to clean it up? There he instead speeded up the steps on the stairs to the bedroom carefully.

Thank goodness, he had prepared all the equipment. Just grabbing his purse after changing pants, going down the stairs with more carefully–remembering the stairs became slippery. Trying to call his mother and her cell phone ring tones rang out on the table.

His mother left her cell phone.

He tapped his forehead.

He immediately contacted a playmate who lived not far from his home.

"Hello Haechan." The person on the other line who was watching TV, answered casually.

"Winwin hyung."

"I am. What's up? Not usual."

"The baby is coming." The boy said to the point.

"Is it true? Well... congratulations then. Good luck!" The guy familiarly called Winwin clenched his fist into the air as if the other person could see it.

"Aish. I'm at home."

"Are you gonna give birth at home?"

"No, no. It's not like that. I'm alone. I wanna go to the hospital now but no one's taking me. And I ain't wanna take a taxi."

The oriental guy's eyes were made to widen perfectly. He was shocked by Haechan's statement, "My God. Then what should I do?" And his concentration on the TV show was gone.

"Your mother is home?"

"She isn't. My parents are in Zhejiang."

Just now he mentioned his parents' homeland. Winwin's family could live in Korea since he was three years old because of his father's job. Until finally he stayed, studied, until studied in college here. And he did not come with his parents to go back to Zhejiang because he still had a college affair he could not left. Whether it was a task, or something else. And for the moment he did not go to college because he did not have a lecture schedule on Monday.

"Then it means they left the car at your house, ain't they?" Haechan asked hopefully. It was clear from the intonation that seemed to be in a hurry.

"They did."

Haechan snapped his fingers. "Good. I'll be there soon. My heart says I've gotta borrow your car."

Another shock got Winwin reflex rise from his comfortable couch. "Are you gonna drive? Have you just had a water-broke or just taken a course being the craziest friend in the world?"

Haechan did not ask this friend to take him because he already knew. He knew Winwin and his family pretty well. He knew since the car accident Winwin had experienced while driving three years ago, Winwin was still traumatized and never again wanted to touch the wheel until now.

Winwin and his burlesque smile. "Alright. I'm going to your house to pick you up here." In the end, he prefered to obey. Instead of having to deal with no good arguments. Everyone also knew how Haechan's temperament was, right? Moreover, over the discipline of Winwin's father who for many years became a field agent. That one's intuition was as important as the mathematical count in a mission.

"No need. Let me go there. Please wait."



Haechan disconnected unilaterally. He stepped out of the house with his bag and locked the door with the key all the inhabitants of the house had. Walking hastily only about 22 yards to arrive at Winwin's residence.

Very close, was not it?





Ball's in Yourt Court 🌞 MarkHyuck [⏹]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora