For the time being this fetus has animate

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"I seem to see you so often that I don't realize you have a big belly," Taeil said.

Still in the same place, after two months have passed.

"Not just often. You come here almost every day, saem," Haechan said, "Now this fetus has animate. I can already feel it moving. I really can feel the existence of another life in my body."

Other people would see a normal thing to hear that. But not with Taeil. He was amazed. Maybe it was because Haechan who said it.

"Saem, do you want to feel it?"

"Eh?" The student's question just awakened him from a daydream.

Haechan grabbed Taeil's palm and touched the big hand on his stomach.

Taeil was a little surprised, who also did a slightly detectable reaction. He followed the direction of Haechan's eyes fixed on his stomach.

It felt strange, yet beautiful.

For a moment, he expected relationship that was more than just teacher and student.

Maybe yes.

They stared at each other, and unconsciously their faces drew closer. More precisely Taeil got closer. Haechan did not turn a bit away. He took it for granted when the friction between their lips skin happened. A touch that caused a slight tremor to their lips, so the two humans were washed away in an atmosphere they never knew.

Haechan realized something through the kiss. There were characters Taeil could not compose through a sentence or a word.

There was moment. They were more than just touching. In theory they knew all along, it gave rise to heat. The heat created power.

But once getting the consciousness, Haechan took the touch off, "It's wrong..." he mumbled as he turned away. Avoided looking with Taeil.

Geez. He had just kissed a guy who was 15 years older than him.

But that was not the main problem.

He really felt guilty to Mark.

Taeil also just realized. A fact that the child in Haechan's womb was not his, slapped him.

Haechan had a bond with another guy. And he had no right to take Haechan. Because Haechan and the other guy loved each other.

Seen from any side, Taeil's role was a teacher who should nurture his students. Teaching and giving knowledge well, that was more than enough.

Not a complicated problem. Taeil got caught in a curiosity and caused pain.

The deeds they considered wrong had succeeded in bringing awkwardness between both. Until a few second no one came out. Not even a meaningless sound. They were silent. Physically. Mentally. Both did not think of anything. Just breathing. Taking a look. Listening to each other's heartbeat. Feeling being a loser for each other's attitude.

Being shaken by the current state.

Taeil was afraid if he spoke, he would only hear rejection.

Haechan was afraid that if he spoke, he would only hear the denial.

They just struggled with the feelings of each other. Unsurpassed awkwardness.

But in the end Taeil realized. And he wanted to cry for his helplessness.






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