Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Frieda’s movements mimicked that of the beasts caged within the arena, their limbs moving softly against the sand as they stalked their prey.

But whilst they held claws and teeth, Frieda had her sword.

The tunnels beneath the arena were deserted as every able bodied soldier had been called to the surface, making their progress across to the other side minimal.

Neither had spoken in their haste to reach the other side of the Colosseum and save their companions.

It was not lost on Frieda that without Amor’s assistance, they would not have managed to escape to the arena, and would have died.

Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she saw the light in the air began to change and knew they were coming upon the gate.

Without hesitating, Frieda pushed past Diomed, skidded around the sharp corner, and charged up the slope towards the awaiting guards.

Barely half a dozen guards; too intent on what was happening within the arena, they were not prepared for her arrival.

Sensing their fear, Frieda felt her lips spread into a smile.

Time to have some fun, Frieda thought as she heard Diomed’s boots behind her, trying to catch up.

Too slow, Frieda laughed as she suddenly kicked herself up off the wall and twirled in the air, her boot connecting with the staunch jaw of an unknowing roman soldier.

Landing on the ground, her back to the guard, Frieda sent Diomed a smug grin as she made the first attack.

Diomed slowed for a moment, giving her a tired look. He was not pleased.

This only made Frieda laugh when she heard the boots of the guards scuff against the stone behind her.

Diomed’s eyes widened in delayed shock but Frieda had already bent at the knee, spun on her heel and shoved her blade up into the man’s exposed thigh.

Screaming in pain, his warm blood wetting her blade, Frieda quickly withdrew her sword from his flesh and bolted upright.

Holding the back of his head, his hair ticking her wrist, Frieda slashed the edge of her blade across his throat before he could react.

Releasing his scalp, Frieda watched his body descend to the ground, his blood staining the soles of her boot.

She scowled in disgust at having roman blood on her garments.

“Frieda?” Diomed’s voice called and Frieda casually lifted her head.

Arching an eyebrow, Frieda remained perfectly poised and simply watched as Diomed battled four of the guards.

Tilting her head in curiosity, Frieda was slowly realising she had never seen Diomed truly fight.

And in those few moments, Frieda could see that he was rather good.

“Hmm,” Frieda nodded her head slowly in surprise when she felt the air shift behind her.

Looking out from the corner of her eye, Frieda could see the flicker of a shadow against the wall from where the sun penetrated through the gate.

The gate!

Frieda suddenly remembered what she was doing here.

Loosening her grip on her sword’s hilt, Frieda flicked the blade around in her grasp until it was pointing towards the wall behind her.

Guardian of Rome (#2 in Gladiator Series)Where stories live. Discover now