Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Present Day

"You did this, Krista" Pompeia's words echoed through her mind as images of Lazarus bleeding upon the sands flashed in the darkness.

"You did this, Krista," She kept repeating, whispering it in her ear as the darkness wrapped around Krista's mind, "The moment you picked up that trident you had sentenced that man to his death,"

"No," Krista tried to protest but the weight of her guilt was bearing down upon her, "No,"

"You have the power, Krista, to make Emperors rise and fall," Pompeia's words sounded like a death sentence in Krista's ear as she saw herself cradling Lazarus's dying body in her hands; his blood soaking her skin.

Her oldest friend was dying from her own rash and stupid actions.

"But you also have the power to make those around you fall to their deaths," Pompeia's voice started to fade as new images flashed crimson in her mind.

Krista saw Artorius and Pompeia in bed together, their bodies wrapped in gold before a new torment were conjured up; images of an epic battle with thousands of slaves dying upon Roman swords and with Artorius in the middle.

Krista could vividly see Frieda and Leonidas amongst the crowds, slowly becoming overpowered by the mass of the roman army but Krista's eyes were glued to Artorius.

His skin was shining beneath the sun, too preoccupied with the two men he was fighting to see the third roman step up behind him, sword raised in his hands.

Krista tried to scream his name but no sound escaped her lips. She tried to run to his aid but her feet were glued to the ground.

She could do nothing to prevent the path of the Roman's sword as it sunk itself into Artorius's back, making his chest arch in pain and his mouth part in an agonizing scream that shook Krista to her very core.

Krista was shouting and trying to move but nothing was happening; she could only watch in horror as Artorius turned and the other soldiers stepped forward to take their turn to kill the Champion of Greece.

"Remember Krista," Pompeia's voice was suddenly speaking in her mind as Artorius vanished and Krista found herself standing in darkness, entirely alone and void of warmth, "You have the power to make those around you fall to their deaths."

"No," Krista panted as she bolted upright, images of the battle still imprinted in her mind, her heart racing in her chest.

But as the images of blood and death started to fade to be replaced with visions of her tent, Pompeia's words still haunted her mind, fuelling Krista's doubts.

Taking a moment to steady her heart, which still palpitated in her chest, Krista turned and gazed down upon Artorius who slept soundly beside her, his body turned in such a way as to protect her.

But no matter how hard he tried he could not protect her from the dreams that haunted her mind every night, reminding her that she was leading these people to their deaths.

Wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead, Krista slipped from between the rich animal skins and wrapped a thick blanket around her naked body.

It had been over six months since Lazarus had died and yet she could still feel the empty space left behind in her heart but with every day and every battle it was decreasing.

Soon she would no longer yearn for him to be by her side and maybe once she had killed enough Romans she will no longer be haunted by his death.

Clasping the blanket in her hand, Krista wandered around her tent, overwhelmed with how far they had come.

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