Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

They set out in all directions from the camp to find Atticus.

The temperature was dropping as night rolled in and there was no moon to provide any light as they trekked through the forest.

With over two dozen gladiators out looking it would not be long before they found the boy and then they could move on to more pressing matters.

Such as locating this villa and freeing the slaves inside.

Torch lights flickered in the darkness, reminding Krista that she was not alone in the darkness, as they continued to canvas the area.

But despite so many people around her, Krista still felt cold and alone as the wind whisked away any warmth from her torch in the opposite direction.

Because all Krista could think about as the darkness seeped into her soul, was what Pompeia was doing right now.

Was she sleeping? Was she plotting their deaths?

Every waking moment of the day, a part of Krista’s mind was permanently fixed on Rome and the Empress.

Krista had failed to kill Pompeia on two occasions and no matter how much she tried to persuade herself otherwise, Krista knew it was because of those around her.

Those who would call her their friends, their lover, had stopped her from killing Pompeia twice; the first time, Artorius had pulled her away as Myra distracted the guards.

And the second time, she had allowed herself to be governed by emotions. Pompeia had seized the one thing Krista had come to love after Lazarus had departed this world.

Her emotions had made Krista vulnerable. They had made her easy to manipulate, but worst of all, easy to control.

All Pompeia had to do was reach out her hand, dig her claws into Artorius and Krista would be lost.

Looking to her left, Krista eyed Artorius’s torch merely twenty feet away as he walked parallel to her.

Trying not to think on her troubles, Krista focused her energy on finding the boy; it may have been wiser to set out in the morning but by that time Atticus would be in the clutches of the romans.

And what sort of leader would Krista be if she left even one person under her command to their death?

Not a very good one, Krista answered her own question as she knew exactly what Lazarus would say.

Taking a deep breath, her eyes searching the immediate horizon as she searched for any movement, something inside of Krista started to tingle.

It was a strange sensation she had come accustomed to trusting as the wind shifted above her, the sound of rustling leaves reaching her ears like a distant cry.

It was barely there and yet Krista knew someone was in the trees above her.

Making herself an easy target, Krista stopped short and waited.

She didn’t have to wait long before a small intake of breath from the person concealed in the trees alerted Krista to their next move.

Keeping her body still, Krista waited until the last moment before she threw her torch to the ground and whipped around to catch the falling body out of mid-air.

Curling her fingers in their tunic, Krista threw them to the ground and away from her body when she caught a flash of his amber eyes.

“Atticus?” Krista whispered, her eyes glancing back up at the tree he had just jumped from, impressed.

Guardian of Rome (#2 in Gladiator Series)Where stories live. Discover now