Chapter 9: Unknown

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Chapter 9: Unknown

"Ack! Ack!"

Chicken or human; I felt like a mixture or both as I pathetically screamed at the top of my lungs, only to be continuously dragged away on the floor by this unknown person, who also clamped a hand on my mouth.


Who was he?

Was he going to rape me? Murder me?

I clawed on the hands of whoever it was, tried to get him off me. Yet the moment I caught a whiff of dark chocolate, I almost immediately submitted.

It was her. A series of contradictions.

"A-Audra?!" I stammered, realizing who it was.

"Yes," she whispered, leaning down next to me. Audra's face in the semi-darkness was all of concentration, while her eyes were focused on the door we'd exited.

I looked around to where we were in panic. In the convenience store in the other room, yet it was hard to convince my heart to stop its reckless pounding. It felt like we were still in danger even when I already knew that we were not.

She blew out a soft breath, which tickled my ear. "Great," she said, her voice still low. "The boys are still asleep, even with all that noise."

"But—" I stopped when she looked at me, then cracked a small smile. My heart went into overdrive again. What was I just going to say?

"Were you scared?" she whispered.


"Then I'm sorry for doing that." She gave a small chuckle. Okay, forget why she would drag me away like this. I lived for that chuckle. I could feel myself getting into a good mood as well, so I smiled.

Audra took a sharp breath, then glanced away, her face setting into another one of those unreadable spells.

Told you she was a series of contradictions. Here, one moment, gone the next. Like dark chocolate, sweet and bitter all at the same time.

The thought quickly vanished when she pointed to a corner. "That's the bathroom," she informed. "It's one of the reasons why I took you here, Pax."

"I smell that bad?"

"No, of course not." She still wouldn't look at me. "But I know you've needed to use one. You're just. . . too busy to ask."

"Erm. . ."

But then she just had to continue with, "Let's go then."


She still wasn't looking at me. "Let's go. I mean, I need to enter with you. It will be easier to talk there. And besides, how will you. . . you know, position yourself?"

"Okay, okay!" I got the picture. It was getting awkward by the second. But still, did she have to freaking enter with me?

Convenience store bathrooms were not known to be big, just enough to accommodate one person who was squatting. A hot flush crept on my face when I suddenly imagined Audra there. "But you'll hear me," I squeaked.

"I'll cover an ear."

"Just an ear?"

"The other is for listening for enemies."

Great. Just fine and dandy. Here was a girl who was the most beautiful person I'd known. Here was a girl who could make any person fall on his or her knees, and she wanted to be in the same freaking bathroom stall as I was, while I was freaking pissing myself off. Literally!

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