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Original: ( So, if you noticed, the last part wasn't a reminder, nor did it have an A\N thingy so this is where that'll go. I probably don't even really need to write this. I'm tired so sorry for any grammar mistakes. This chapter took place on April 15th, the day before Hethers death. Or... Nah. So, who do you think texted her? I'm going to go against my rule of bringing random people into the craziness that is this plot of a story. I know I'm being a hypocrite, and I normally criticize people who do this, I just didn't have my plot planned out all the way. Anyways, thanks for reading, peace ✌️)


Edit: [So, I forgot to mention, again, I wrote this at like ten yesterday, so, I forgot, but some of the things that Hether said about like the bees and the science joke was from other authors/youtubers. I don't remember exactly where I got them from, I just know the science joke was from a yoonmin fanfic and the bee thing was from a baepsae crack video. If I find the actual links, I'll get them, but until then, double peace my dudes.]


Super Edit: {double peace my doods✌️}

Sincerely, all the people who wished you were dead. ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz