Journal Entry Three

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So, I did it. Aren't you proud of me? I finally summoned up the courage to write a reminder for my death. It will be a good day. The world will be rid of my sad self. My friends will be a little happier. Well, my one friend. I still don't think she likes me though. She pretty much just told me to die the other day. Well, her wish is being granted, and now she'll get to be happier. And my dad will have one less mouth to feed, not that I ate much anyways, Ally won't have to worry about seeing me again. And all the people who wished I was dead won't have to deal with me any more. I'm still pretty nervous though, my school doesn't have a rooftop, but there's an apartment building that's being built soon near the school. I'll go there after school. 


(A/N: Miss me? No? Okay... Anyways!! Every chapter I write makes me feel sadder each time. There will be three more short chapters, two more Journal Entries, and then a long ending chapter. I'll probably post one of the short chapters later in the day, but it may not happen so don't get your hopes up too high! {I may even do an epilogue if I feel up to it though!!} Have a good day!! Peace ✌️)


Sincerely, all the people who wished you were dead. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now