What Lily had to say

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      Lily was standing there in the far corner of the bathroom, away from the hallway so no one could see her and notify her teacher that she was skipping class. Her teacher that day was absent, so she had a sub— that didn't know how to take roll call— so she was most likely safe, if no one saw her. She was waiting for Hether, because she had come across something that had disturbed her. Actually, she came across it about a week, but didn't have the time to question Hether about it. It was a public post from their schools online 'social media', if you will (it was the teachers idea, trying to communicate with the kids). It was a post from an account called 'Smailiw ayam', which was an odd name, but she had assumed it was a foreign name, so she didn't question it. If had said, 

'Does anyone know who Hether Wiliams is? I heard that she's going to kill herself on April 16th,'

      At first Lily didn't believe it, but the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. The date was April 15th, so if the rumor was true, she only had a day left. Hether showed up a few minutes later than expected.

"So what did you need me for?" Hether questioned, she was in the middle of grammar class, and would rather be working on a sheet about how slang terms should not be used, than be talking with her former best friend, who was just a bit too enthusiastic for her taste.

"Do you know what this is about?" Lily questioned back, showing her the printed version of the post. Hether had started to read, but her attention was immediately caught on the username. She laughed out loud.

"Do you know who posted this?" She questioned back at Lily.

"Um no? I thought it was some Indian kid," Lily said, sounding a bit more racist than she tried to.

"Why don't you ask my twin?" Hether said, walking out of the bathroom. And that's when she decided to pay another visit to 'unknown', well, better known as Maya Wiliams,

Her twin.

Sincerely, all the people who wished you were dead. ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora