Dear Bestie

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Dear Bestie,

   Why didn't you tell anyone? You know you could have come to me if there was something you wanted to talk about! When you left, it made me feel worthless, all the hours I spent trying to get you to laugh, to smile, all wasted. You had depression, but you didn't tell me, we could have gone to a therapist together. I would have been there for you, but instead, you threw you life away. I'm more disappointed in you than angry though. I wish I could have talked to you more about it. Do you know how I felt when I saw you lifeless body covered in blood, being hauled away into the ambulance? I felt crushed. You did something very selfish, and now the people who loved you, cared for you, are paying for it.


                              Your best friend, Lily


    So, this was told from the main characters best friends point of view. This chapter just kind of makes you think, is ending your life something that will make everyone happy, or making the people who loved you suffer. I forgot to mention, but the main characters name is Hether, and yes, it is spelled Hether, not Heather. She is a girl. That's really all I can tell you without spoiling the plot of the story. Yeah. Bye!


Sincerely, all the people who wished you were dead. ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt