Dear sister, It's me...

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Dear sister,

It's me, your brother. I know what dad said to you, and, he shouldn't have said that, but what's even worse, is that you agreed with him. If someone goes up to you and says that maybe you should jump off of a cliff, and that it would be better for everyone if you were dead, you shouldn't agree with them. That's one thing you should not do. On top of that, I heard Abbey and her little friends (minions) tell you to jump off a building, and you just stood there. You didn't do anything. You just let them push you around. Right now I just feel like the worst brother ever. Your poor best friend looked so shattered, I hope she finds someone to comfort her. I hope you're doing well, and I know you're in a better place now.

                                                       I will love you always,

                                                               Your brother


Okay, this took a lot longer than expected to write then edit. Sorry I have to eat dinner I've been hungry all day. Bye!


Sincerely, all the people who wished you were dead. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now