HWT Sequel - 03

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It took us another hour before we made it into the unknown town and into another motel. It was similar to all the others. Old, dusty and questionable. But it was close to a gas station and source of food, Nova's two requirements for quick getaways, if necessary, and somewhat pleasant longer stays than usual. It was only a little after 4 in the morning when we were finally able to get into bed and fall asleep for another couple of hours.

Bella and I always slept in a bed together farthest from the door and Will took his own bed while Nova slept in a cot. Will insisted on several occasions that they can switch it up if Nova ever wanted but he always refused. He says that he's more alert while on the cot because he's never fully asleep but it was hard to believe that there wasn't another reason.

By the time I woke up, around 11 am, Nova was nowhere to be found. This wasn't unusual but it was frustrating. It happened more times than it should and I fear for the day that he doesn't return. I sigh as I grab the flip phone that charged on the nightstand and open it to see if there were any missed calls. I sigh again when I see none.

Bella and Will were still asleep and they always tended to sleep longer than I did. I think that was one of the hardest parts of getting through the day. The both of them could honestly sleep through the entire day if I let them and that just left me here alone while I quietly tried to entertain myself.

Just as I was about to turn on the TV to see what I could possibly watch for the next couple of hours Nova bursts through the door with a loud bang. It makes me jump but the look on his face doesn't make me think that we're in any danger. He's just being rude. Bella and Will quietly stir awake at the loud noise while I stare at Nova for an explanation for his noisy entrance. He carries a couple of plastic bags in each hand.

He glares at me, "Door's unlocked. Nice."

My eyes narrow, "You're joking right? I just woke up. You're the last one to leave this place. Maybe you should remember to lock the door."

Bella sits up first and uses the headrest to lean her back up against.

"What time is it?" Will yawns.

"Almost noon. Up and at 'em, princess!" Nova slams the door shut and I roll my eyes.

He takes the bags in his hands and dumps the contents out onto Will's bed. I slowly get up from the bed and walk over to get a better look. I hear Bella sigh sadly as she notices what the items are. Boxes of hair dye, bleach, scissors and razors make themselves comfortable on the edge of the bed.

"Who wants to go first?" Nova shrugs.


Trying to get Bella to calm down enough to dye her hair was probably the hardest part of it all. For as long as I've known her she always identified herself as the blonde one. She loved her long locks as much as she loved her legs. It took her at least two hours to mourn the loss of the color of her hair and another hour to get her to calm down enough to let me cut off at least 6 inches. The cut wasn't a major difference in length but to her she might as well have been bald.

The goal is to try and to get us to be as unrecognizable as possible and I definitely think we accomplished that. Bella looked like a completely different person and I'm not sure if it's because of her new hair or because she looked completely destroyed. Her dark brown hair was probably a big contributing factor.

Will did Nova's hair and Nova did Will's. They worked out in main room and Bella and I took the bathroom. It honestly would have been comical and to think about them doing each others hair but when I thought about why we were doing this it didn't make it that funny.

I had pulled on of the chairs from the main room to the bathroom so that Bella was more comfortable while I "ruined her life" but it was now my turn to sit in the chair of regret, as Bella called it. I stared at myself in the mirror far longer than I should have but I finally got a glimpse of understanding at what Bella was so upset about.

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