Chapter 20 - Heroic Reason

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II had to blink a few times to make sure the person I was looking at was really my mother. I stepped away from Nova and pulled my hand out of his.

"Mom? Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked, stepping down the steps to get closer to her.

As unhinged as I knew my mother was I never would have expected her to come all the way down here to see me so late at night.

"Is this why you haven't been answering me?" She ignored my question, eyeing Nova from over my shoulder.

I turned to look over my shoulder to look at him, who looked as confused as I felt. "Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked again.

"I'm here to see why you've been ignoring my phone calls and avoiding me." She kept shifting her gaze to Nova from over my shoulder. "I mean honestly Dani what was I supposed to do? I get a bill for our health insurance from a hospital out here and when I ask you what it's for you just completely ignore all phone calls and text messages."

"I told you I would tell you when I'm ready." I hissed at her, very aware that Nova was watching this entire thing.

"What happened to you? Is it because of this boy? Did he hurt you? Did you have an abortion?"

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head, "Mom!"

"Then what is it?!" She shouted.

I was suddenly very aware of how quiet the entire campus was when her voice boomed through the dark. My entire body felt as if it was turning a bright red from both embarrassment and anger.

"I was jumped!" I shouted back, matching her tone, not caring who heard, "I was jumped okay? I was attacked and it was so bad that I had to go to the hospital, okay? Are you happy? You drove here for I don't know how many hours just to hear that! So I hope you're satisfied!"

Her face contorted into a terrified expression at the information I just threw at her. My eyes welled with tears as my limbs started to shake from the rage.

She had no right to do this. I don't care how much I didn't call her back. I don't care how much anxiety she carried for my well being, she had absolutely no right to show up at my school, at this hour no less, and demand something from me that I didn't have to give her..

She took three large steps towards me and brought her hand up to my cheek, "Dani..." I turned my head away from her, trying my damndest to make sure no angry, traitor tears spilled over.

"No, mom." I took a step backwards, "This isn't okay! I am almost twenty years old! I am not a child anymore!" I could hear Nova's footsteps behind me walk up closer.

"Dani..." His calming voice said before he put his hands on my shoulders.

I could see my mom shooting daggers in his direction, "Who is this boy?" She spat.

"That! That right there, mom! That's exactly what I'm talking about! You can't keep doing this!"

"You don't know who this person is, Dani. He could be a rapist or a murderer! What if he gets you pregnant and breaks your heart? You could be left alone with a baby!" I could feel my blood boil beneath my skin.

"This person," I spat out the word she used to describe him, "Is the only reason I am still alive! If it weren't for this person you'd be burying your only daughter next to your husband! This person is my boyfriend!"

I've called Nova my boyfriend before, plenty of times, but this time it didn't taste like acid and lies. Even though I knew it wasn't true, this time when I said it, I didn't get a knot in my stomach at the lie I was telling. It felt right, as if it should be true.

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