Chapter 34 - Silenced Voice of Reason

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Dani's POV

"Dani?" Bella asked from the other side of the table, her eyes drowning in her recently ever constant concern.

I dropped the fork that I was holding in frustration, tired of listening to her voice her worries, "Bella. Don't." I warned her.

She pressed her lips together, clearly debating whether or not she should press on further anyway. I glared at her with dull, heavy eyes, daring her, before she gave me a sad sigh – accepting my warning.

The others, Liam, Kendall and Will, all sat on the other end, pretending as if they couldn't hear what had just happened. I picked up the fork from the table and went back to pretending as if I was eating.

Time had come and passed since the picture had surfaced and spread through the phones of the entire student body. I went a week, an entire week, walking the campus of my school with whispers and stares aimed directly at me – and had it not been for the safety and constant comfort of my friends, I might not have left my dorm after that first day.

I was somehow lucky enough that by the second week the whispers had diminished. Their talk was now aimed at the new found love of Jessica and Thomas. When I discovered the news, I was immediately worried about Bella but come to my surprise when she came to sit with me in the lounge, she was completely fine.

"And?" She asked when I mentioned it.

"I-I uh I don't know. Are you okay?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"It would have never worked. I wouldn't choose Thomas over my friends." Right in that instant Thomas and Jessica both walked by, exaggeratingly happy with their group of friends in toe. "Unlike some people." Bella said as her eyes trailed over to the group of friends. I could see Bella's eyes follow Allison as she walked behind the rest, clearly being excluded.

The days following the photo, Bella had come searching for me almost as soon as she saw the picture sent to her phone. She told me that it didn't matter how angry she was with me or vise versa, she would never let me go through something like that alone. Everything that we had argued about was completely forgotten when she and Kendall held me tightly that night and I tried to hold back sobs.

Not once did she mention how she had been right about Nova, which I appreciated. She and Will had grown very protective, shielding me together anytime someone that appeared to be any kind of threat got near. Eventually though Kendall and Liam grew cautious of the words they spoke around me. It was appreciated at first but as time passed it became irritating. You could so clearly see how they viewed me as someone who would break at any moment.

Even though in the beginning I did believe that any sight or mention of him would make my insides implode, with enough time that passed I started to not feel anything at all. I no longer felt any kind of pain, anger or sadness. I had gone completely numb once again and this time I was determined to stay that way. I wouldn't let any other person infiltrate my heart the way Nova Ryder had.

Recently, though, Bella and the others had grown worried. I wasn't on the verge of tears anymore but my physical appearance had become a concern for them. My sleepless nights and lack of appetite had apparently really taken a toll on me. Bella has been insistent for the past couple of days that I see someone but it always turned into an argument.

I wouldn't be the pathetic girl in therapy because of a break up.

"I was thinking maybe we could go to the movies tonight?" Will said after I snapped at Bella, finally breaking the silence.

We were all down in The Lounge, having our routine dinner, and the mention of going to the movies sounded horrible. I stared at the practically untouched salad in front of me, not wanting to acknowledge the idea. I had no desire to go to the movies, even with friends.

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