Chapter 19 - Unexpected Visitors

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Nova had to work until almost 10 o'clock, Bella and Kendall were with beaus so I invited Will to come over and forced him into watching Gossip Girl with me. He sat on the floor while I collected as many blankets as I could from around the room and immersed myself in all of them..

"How does a twenty year old run a hotel industry without knowing what the hell he's doing!?" Will shouted at the TV.

"Because he's Chuck Bass, Will, keep up!"

"Yeah, well I'm Will Sanders but you don't see me running my parents industry!" I grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it directly at him.

"Shush! You're ruining the magic."

Will and I haven't had a day where it was just the two of us for a really long time and it made me realize how much I missed it. I felt as if I could be my complete self when it was just me and him, and I didn't have that feeling for anyone else that I hung out with. Not even Nova, even though I wish that I did. Being with Will was nice, safe and comfortable even.

He pulled his baseball cap down in front of his face and groaned when there was another kissing scene. "Do they ever stop kissing?!" He complained.

"Will, you could totally be the Chuck Bass of the group if your ever took over your parents' franchises." I threw another piece of popcorn at him.

"I'll only be Chuck Bass if you're Blair Waldorf." As much as I wished he was joking, I could tell immediately that he wasn't. The smile on my face faded and I looked back at the TV.

It was the first time since he apologized to me that he even attempted to flirt with me and I hated how much I didn't feel anything. It didn't make my heart flutter, it didn't make me blush, it just didn't make any kind of spark and I genuinely hated it.

I always imagined myself falling for someone exactly like Will. Someone who made me feel comfortable and safe. Someone who made me laugh and was considerate and kind and made me feel happy. So why, after all those things, did I feel nothing?

When a pair of bright blue eyes came into my thoughts, I knew the answer.

"Guys!" Bella suddenly came charging into the room, making both of us jump, "Guess who kissed me!" She was gasping for air as she propped her hands onto her knees.

"You're kidding?" I asked, trying to match her excitement.

"Yes, Thomas! And! He asked me to be his girlfriend!" Will and I looked at each other, stunned.

Will stood up from the floor to bring her in for a hug, "Congrats, Bells!"

She hugged back for only a moment, "Thank you! Now get out! Thomas and I have a date at his penthouse! I need to get ready!"

I laughed as Bella quickly shoved Will out of the room, "Bye, Dani!" I heard him say just before she slammed the door behind him. It was a relief, actually, that Bella came in just in time to interrupt that awkward moment.

"Can you believe this!?" She shouted as she headed straight for the closet. "I thought he was just going to ask me out on a date, I never would have thought he would ask me to be his girlfriend!" She sounded slightly muffled with her head sticking in the closet.

"You have to help me pick out the perfect clothes. He's gonna come pick me up in like 30 minutes."

"Bella it takes you 30 minutes just to get clothes on!"

She turned to glare at me, "I know! Which is why I need your help!"

Normally Kendall was the one who was helping Bella get ready for something important. They were an incredible team. Bella did her own makeup while Kendall did her hair and I stood in the corner of the room to stay out of their way.

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